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Spent shell sticking

Dangerous Brian

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Hi all


Over the last few months my Laurona non ejector has developed a bit of a problem with spent shells sticking in the bottom barrel. Roughly every tenth shell seems to jam the extractor which then tries to ride over the head of the case. As a result it can be a struggle to get the gun to open at all as the mechanism then fouls the main action. The gun is old (1972) but I can't feel any movement in the hinge pin with the gun assembled. Any ideas what may be causing it?





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There was a little number in Sporting Gun this month about an older Beretta O/U doing this.


The extractor had got bent out of line over the years. The repair requires some judgment, so best let the gunsmith hit it with his hammer. Can't find the article online, sadly.


My Lanber used to do this with one brand of shells only so it might be worth changing your cartridges & seeing whether that sorts it out.

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