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What model Lanber do I have?


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Hello there, last weekend i bought my first shotgun, its a lanber and bought it from the game fair at Blenhiem...which was a very good day although a tad pricy to get in! Im looking for a bit of help to help identify what model lanber i have. I bought it from the Oxford Gun Company stand; its an over and under 12bore with 28" barrels, ejector, automatic safety, the sideplates are a dark blue/blacky. I have pictures but cant put them on here so could email, the chap said its between 10 and 20 years old, i have emailed gmk and their database only goes 10 years back.


Many thanks, any information will be appreciated and hopefully we can find out what model this is!



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The serial number AFAIK gives the model and year of manufacture - mine is 13-03-0****-06-12-76


This breaks down as Makers Code - Type - Serial Number - Year of proof - Gauge - Chamber length


Yours sounds like a Gold Game with the coloured actio you describen, I have a 2006 Gold Sporter which has a manual safety ( the Game guns have auto safety fitted )


The above is valid IIRC for guns made post 1998, before that the format was serial no, year, bore, chamber length I think....


Then again, I could be totally wrong!!



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Mine is a letter then 6 digits then bore - chamber size.


So.... S ****** 12-70


Not sure how to date mine exactly either. The shop where I got it said it was 8-9 years old, but someone else has said it is 12 years old.


No idea really, wouldn't mind finding out though.

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Firstly cheers for your posts! the gun doesnt have a number under the barrel release leaver its just on the barrels it starts in IG 15 then another 4 numbers after that but there is no 12? rushjob what is your sporter like, ive heard that lanbers if looked after well will go on for ever! I have tried emailing lanber but have heard nothing back from them as yet. What does IRRC mean? sorry for all the questions too, im still learning :good:



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My Lanber was recommended to me by a Gamekeeper mate - his description of Lanbers was a good gun you can shoot with, then knock a fence post in with it, then go back to shooting it!


I've never had a problem with mine in the 4 years I've owned it.

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If you look on the under side of the barrels you will see the spanish proof house marks, there should be a a proof house year code made up of a letter and a single number, let me know what it is and i will let you know what year it was proofed and that should give you an idea how old your gun is.

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