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Cycling issues - Escort using 2 1/2 carts???


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Hello all,

went pigeon shooting today using my Escort synthetic, i started off using my favorite Eley Pigeon in both fibre and plastic but was dismayed to discover that the empty shells were catching on the slide on the way out.


i was able to obtain some rio shells from my shooting freind and they cycled flawlessly, i noticed later in the day they were a 2/34 case and not a 2/12 case like the eleys.


has this happened to anyone else? has anyone used 2/12 shells in the escort semi autos without issues? im hoping theres not problem with my gun! :oops:

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has this happened to anyone else? has anyone used 2/12 shells in the escort semi autos without issues? im hoping theres not problem with my gun! :oops:


Some Hatsan Escort's may cycle 2 1/2" shells but many wont. A mate of mine which has a 3 1/2" chambered Hatsan cycles any 2 1/2" sell flawlessly, but personally i have never tries many through mine but as many that i have tried through mine they worked fine.


P.S. Many semi auto's, never mind whatever make you buy, the best or the worst, wont cycle 2 1/2" shells ;)

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Some Hatsan Escort's may cycle 2 1/2" shells but many wont. A mate of mine which has a 3 1/2" chambered Hatsan cycles any 2 1/2" sell flawlessly, but personally i have never tries many through mine but as many that i have tried through mine they worked fine.


P.S. Many semi auto's, never mind whatever make you buy, the best or the worst, wont cycle 2 1/2" shells ;)


Phew im glad to hear that! cheers, now to source some more 2 3/4 as most of mine are 2/12 from my o.u :rolleyes:

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Use 70mm this sorted mine out, i also told my rfd this and now he recommends these

when he sells the Escort and has had no complaints. But now mine fires eley firsts no problem

65mm,so i recon its just where they are new and need to wear in... :good:

Edited by kev 1
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Use 70mm this sorted mine out, i also told my rfd this and now he recommends these

when he sells the Escort and has had no complaints. But now mine fires eley firsts no problem

65mm,so i recon its just where they are new and need to wear in... :good:


But Eley Firsts and Eley HB Pigeon and are the rest of there range cart is marked 67mm


The 65mm printed on the box is min chamber size not cart length.

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