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gun fit


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recently picked up a new hatsan escort and it came with all the pads and wedges for lenghtening the stock and casting left right and raising/lowering the comb and all that. I didnt bother casting the stock or anything but did stick a few extra pads in to lenghten it because the vast majority of stocks are an inch or so too short for me. took it out on some clays for the first time yesterday and a lot of my shots were going low, im pretty sure this is because i have put one too many pads in and so made the stock a touch on the long side.

Just want to confirm that I havent got mixed up before I do anything

thinking about having a play with some pattern plates

anyone got any ideas or thoughts on this?



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If its shooting low, then you need to put the lowest shim in, to raise the comb up.

that was my initial thought but I forgot to mention that I think my head felt a bit further down the stock then normal too which is what made me think lenght as opposed to comb height :hmm:

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