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CZ Conversion


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what are the advantages then please kent, i spose the first one is you cant loose your mag or leave it at home.


no protruding mag, this can be an issue in some stances

Can't drop the mag in undergrowth unseen

Can keep it stacked up from the top as you use one, pop another in (not all detchable mags allow this)


Two unload drills work, drop them all in a hat or cycle each in turn though the action. To unload a chambered round and close the bolt on an empty chamber try this. Remove the chambered round by withdrawing bolt, push down the next round in the magazine with your fingers so no new round is chambered and carefully move bolt forwards ensuring no new round is accidently chambered visually. When you wish to re-load either just cycle the bolt if instantly required. Alternetively pull the bolt back,insert removed round into mag well and move bolt forwards picking up last round inserted. I have removed from this all mention of safety catch use in cycling the bolt as not all guns allow you to work the bolt with the safety catch still applied

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I just push the trigger guard catch an the rounds drop into your hand, and I also use the "push the top round down and the bolt forward thing"


One other thing is capacity - your average db mag hold 3 or 4 rounds, I can get 6 + 1 in the chamber...handy if you are out for the day and don't want to carry rounds elsewhere.





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