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two questions - new look - and crops

darren m

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puting these questions together as its takin ages for me to post stuff on the board .


1.since the new look - why is the pw forum moving so slow , i,m on broad band ntl and its taking ages to flit through the different sections etc , is it my pc or is it the same for every one else.


2. the oil seed rape crop that is starting to flower now , is that classed as winter rape or spring rape.

same question for wheat and barley , how do you know if its winter or spring barley etc , time its sown or time it emerges / grown .


thanks all

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Worth running your virus checker ntl have net gaurd not the best but up to date.After the site was hacked i got a virus called js.exe had to delete it everything very slow.but i hav'nt heard of anyone else on here getting it



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Broadly speaking if it's winter crop it's sown in winter if it's spring crop it's sown in spring doh :good: If rape's in flower now then it'll be winter rape.


Did I miss something? If the site was hacked that might explain the nice mess (age) I got from an anti. B)

Edited by Highlander
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Broadly speaking if it's winter crop it's sown in winter if it's spring crop it's sown in spring doh :good: If rape's in flower now then it'll be winter rape.


Did I miss something? If the site was hacked that might explain the nice mess (age) I got from an anti. :blush:


winter crops are planted in the autum or back end mate spring in the spring easy but not so easy to tell in a month or so as the spring crops catch up pretty quick

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