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Carrying an FAC


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Two questions


1 - If I took a friend out with two legally held FAC's (air-rifle and rimfire) to use at different ranges, would I be breaking any laws in allowing him to carry one as I use/carry the other, him only being a SGC holder?


2 - If a Sako Quad is on a liscence in .22 rf (as a complete gun), how is a .17HMR barrel entered on the certificate, is it as a complete gun or just as a barrel?

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henry d


don't know if I,m being a bit thick tonight but don't get your answer.


With Q1 the answer would be not allowed I guess, but I,m hoping for some silly rule which would allow it, with Q2 being new to FAC, just wondering how a gun capable of having several barrels is entered.


Enlighten me.

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I believe that it’s OK for someone to act as a bearer even if they don’t hold a FAC.

As for the .17hmr barrel; if it’s chambered, and obviously it is, then it’s a firearm, and has to be entered onto your FAC as such. As to whether this is as a firearm or as a barrel I’m not too sure about, but when I had a shotgun with two sets of barrels the second set were only entered as “Barrels”, otherwise the police would be looking for a second shotgun (and believe me one of them was) B)

So this would seem to be the same with a .17hmr barrel. If it was entered as a firearm, then any future FEO would be looking for another rifle instead of just a barrel.



Gun bearers

6.30 Section 11(1) of the 1968 Act exempts

from the certificate requirement a person

carrying a firearm or ammunition to which

section 1 of the 1968 Act applies, or shot

guns, under the instruction of another person

who holds a certificate and for that other

person’s use for sporting purposes only. It

does not entitle the bearer to use the firearm

or shot gun. The Courts have found that

this exemption does not extend to unlimited

transport of the firearms concerned, for

example by a chauffeur driving from one

town to another, in which instance a

certificate or permit would be required.



Edited by Gemini
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This was discussed at length about 8 months ago. I phond BASC on this and they pretty much responded with what I already believed. If you are the occupier (a slightly grey area, but taken to mean the person licensed to shoot on the land) then you may be joined by one other. This second person can not only carry your rifle but shoot it as well, under your supervision. They must remain within sight and earshot of yourself.


Regards the Sako questions: The receiver is written up with one barrel. On mine it says;

  • 1 .22 RIFLE B/A

and then of course the moderators etc etc.


What is apparent is that the H/Q were puzzled how to write this ujp and so too was the RFD. :good:



Hope this helps. :blush:

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