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Good night and afternoon


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The birds were due today at a shoot i'm looking after , just till the the shoot captian gets back on his feet.Unfortunatly they were cannceled because of the weather (hopefully monday now).

Anyway went out on thursday night and shot a dog and vixen about 50yrds outside of the main pen wood (did'nt post them as they were head shots and both messy)seen another 2 but they would'nt come out of the wood so just came away . Went back on friday afternoon and left a rabbit outsde the wood , checked on saturady and it had gone so put another out . Went out that night picked a position 80yrds away and waited with the NV monocular and WMR, about 2 hrs later one appearered flicked the lamp on and shot it with in a minute the second and the same fait ,were two cubs there was a den 20yrds in the wood




Went home well pleased went back up this morning to check my mole traps , and thought would bolt some rabbits over the cocker


Ended up with 7 rabbits and 7 moles :yes:





Edited by steve42
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