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Pellet Balistics in the real world


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I'm fairly new to air rifles having just bought one for a certain permission that runs a bit too close to a camp site to allow for a rimfire.


The permisson is rammed with bunnies that have never been shot at before but I'm finding a large number of shots are falling with the camp site beyond.


I'm in an open field behind horse jumps, so shooting down at a 15 degree angle. The hedge line is 30 yards away from which the bunnies are emerging. The hedge line is very dense bracken stretching for a good 35 yards with the odd hawthorn bush and small tree scattered amongst it. The camp site is a further 100 to 125 yards on from the far edge of the bracken and is set some 20 feet below the level of the field I'm shooting from.


So in theory there's 185 yards between me and campers with 6 foot high and 35 yard deep bracken and they arent in my line of sight. My question, is it a risk to shoot at the foot of that bracken with a 12ftlb air rifle? Would it be a risk to up it to an FAC air rifle?


Just some real time experience advice needed please?

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Sounds fine to me. If you need to convince someone (or yourself) draw a side on diagram of the layout and mark in the trajectory of your pellet, with both sub-12 and FAC air. Then you could see where you would need to be pointing the barrel to reach the campsite.


Cheers. Thats kind of obvious now you say it!


Yeah like has been said, real world I looked at it and thought there's no way in hell a pellet, if on the off chance I fired it a touch high, would make its way through 35 yards of dense bracken but for the same reason I ruled rimfire out I couldnt get the nagging thought out of my head that it might be considered dangerous as the backstop isn't solid!

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sounds ok, but don't try the FAC rated stuff as around 30 ftlb .22 has more energy than a 12ftlb at the muzzle 100yds out. Better safe than sorry with anything, have you considered elivating your firing point and using the earth as a backstop via utilising a high seat?

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