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Set up meet and arrive early,watch as he arrives,is he dodgy looking,is he alone,does he look like a ***** etc,if he does drive away.I met some one a good distance from my car and chatted with them first,looked at cert etc then walked back to my vehicle while he drove round,just be sensible and aware.

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Set up meet and arrive early,watch as he arrives,is he dodgy looking,is he alone,does he look like a ***** etc,if he does drive away.I met some one a good distance from my car and chatted with them first,looked at cert etc then walked back to my vehicle while he drove round,just be sensible and aware.


Hi All,


I am the intended buyer. All will be fine :D



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Hi I have just sold my .22 provisionally and intend to meet half way with the purchaser.


Does any one have any tips on the sale and how to complete the necessary sections of each FAC.


Many thanks


If you have JUST SOLD, and not bought anything, then your FAC is not touched, you write the details on his. :good:

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I have bought a few firearms f2f and never had any problems,If I was a buyer handing over my hard earned cash and the alledged seller had a car full of mates I would not be stopping.



Always meet in a convenient place were it is in public view,

try not to have a car full, as its off putting and your safety is paramount on both parties

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