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fox visit again!! grrrrr.........


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Hi all,


as some of you probably know from my previous posts I have some poultry, chickens, guinea fowl and most recent are turkeys.

the turkeys i've hatched in june/july time ready for christmas, so there a good size now stags are large cockeral size hens are hen size.

After the last spate of fox attacks I've been locking all the birds away at night, there free range in the day.

Anyway last night I went to work at 6.30 with the view that my mrs would put the birds away for me, she got to bed early and txt my mum to put them away she lives next to me in the barn conversion so does from time to time for me. Unknown to the mrs she was out till 10.30 with my dad, when they got home they went to check the birds and the turkeys where dotted about all over the place on the yard, in the field etc quick head count and only 5!! 7 missing :angry: they put the 5 away and searched for a good hour or two for the others, no sign anywhere.

When I get home this morning I had another look round, found 2 dead bodies the rest missing, in mr foxes freezer I imagine!!

At least all the chickens go into the coop at dusk so they where all ok.

Really gutted! time and effort i've put in to get them to this stage.


After moping up those last 4 and not seeing any since, thought they may have cleared off for a bit, obviously not daddy fox back for his revenge.

I've had a cage trap and a few snares down since the last time and they've seen no action at all :no:


Going to get a little bait station going and hopefully get the chance to try the new 12g auto out :good:

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guting aint it mate, i know the exact feeling. place where i work we were on weekend work to come put our chickens and turkeys away in evening. my weekend off and i went home for few days. got text asking if could do it, obvioulsy couldn't cos i was 4 hours away. came in monday and all turkeys been taken and couple of cockerels, obviously guy just couldn't be bothered. very annoying.


shame ya not allowed to use snoop and bluey on mr fox anymore!

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I know how you feel :angry: I used to have chickens until Mr fox came. he did it bit by bit with a chicken going every now and then. got a real cheeky ***, my mrs chased him out the garden one afternoon. i got him in the end with two loads out the 20g :good: . but unfortuneatly i had gone from 22 chickens down to 3 which were all cockerals. Two went in the pot gave the other away to mate. none left :/

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I've put the 2 dead in the freezer so can use them for bait, will put some smaller stuff down for now and see if it's being taken, was thinking of putting some chicken & tripe down, stuff I feed the dogs, it stinks, the dogs go mad for it, sure mr fox will aswell. Anyone tried this before?? Can't seem to get my hands on many rabbits at the mo.

I'll use the dead bird when i'm there waiting with the 12.

I'm guessing he won't be back for a few days the amount of meat it's got in the larder.


Ian, I'm 15mins from wrexham :good:

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I've put the 2 dead in the freezer so can use them for bait, will put some smaller stuff down for now and see if it's being taken, was thinking of putting some chicken & tripe down, stuff I feed the dogs, it stinks, the dogs go mad for it, sure mr fox will aswell. Anyone tried this before?? Can't seem to get my hands on many rabbits at the mo.

I'll use the dead bird when i'm there waiting with the 12.

I'm guessing he won't be back for a few days the amount of meat it's got in the larder.


Ian, I'm 15mins from wrexham :good:

if you need a hand pm me got all the kite IAN

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I lost 11 of 12 in a night a few years ago . Blighter managed to pull a steel staple out of the wired gate and force his way in. The only survivor had gone to bed early. We renamed her Gloria (as in 'I will survive'). Lots of people around here have lost all their chickens several times in raids, as usual, none of the bodies were taken away. He did come back the next night, but I gave him something for his trouble. The problem has definately gotten worse in the last 5 years.

Also, one morning (3am) found two of them fishing! Actually pulling carp out of the pond. Not very good at it as two were dropped back in. One of the carp survived with only a line of scars on its back. The other had been caught through the gills and didn't make it.

Only heard of one other person who has witnessed this talent for fishing. I was pretty fed up as I had already lost a lot of (expensive) fish to the herons. Anyone know of a way to introduce these two predators to each other? Now that is something I'd pay to watch! :good:

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I was watching a fox through night vision about a month ago it was in a pen of young geese.the pens are 100yards x 50yards holding 500birds,the fox had just killed a bird then ran 50 or 60 yards past other birds and grabbed another killed that.this went on for at least 5mins killing another 8 birds before i could get a clear shot.actually the fox sat down like a dog panting.he had killed about 20 in total and had not eaten anything.



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Going by this visit and the last one they seem to kill everything they can then start moving them back to the den one by one.

I've got 2 cage trap's down at the moment had no interest in them apart from a buzzard!

Have had bait down the past few nights and nothin has touched it so can only assume its still feasting on turkey meat.

There was some good size stag's taken, must of been a strong little fox!

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