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I already have a 7 month old male collie. He is a good and happy dog and training is going well. He is at home 8 hours of the day on his own but before and after work he gets a lot of human interaction and we are always doing things with him.


We have been asked if we can take on another collie a 3 year old male, hes been castrated. He come from a home with children and basically the people fed him on table scraps and he was locked in the house for long long hours, they lost all interest in him and so he suffered a bit. The reason they got rid of him was he nipped the children a couple of times and that was basically the final straw. He has since gone to a trainer who took him in and spent a lot of time on him and the dog is now doing well and starting agility. He has been around other dogs, people and children and is now a lot better after a short period of time. The trainer only fostered him and can no longer have him so is looking for a new home.


So a few questions-


1. Are we being twice as unkind by having two dogs in the house on their own?

2. Will he upset my dog coming into the house as the older dog. I do make a point of me being pack leader.

3. I cant stand the current name, is it easy enough to train a dog to respond to a new name?

4. What is the best way to introduce them?


The trainer used a new name (the one i cant stand) because the dog cowered when called his original name.


Any thoughts greatly appreciated.

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I already have a 7 month old male collie. He is a good and happy dog and training is going well. He is at home 8 hours of the day on his own but before and after work he gets a lot of human interaction and we are always doing things with him.


We have been asked if we can take on another collie a 3 year old male, hes been castrated. He come from a home with children and basically the people fed him on table scraps and he was locked in the house for long long hours, they lost all interest in him and so he suffered a bit. The reason they got rid of him was he nipped the children a couple of times and that was basically the final straw. He has since gone to a trainer who took him in and spent a lot of time on him and the dog is now doing well and starting agility. He has been around other dogs, people and children and is now a lot better after a short period of time. The trainer only fostered him and can no longer have him so is looking for a new home.


So a few questions-


1. Are we being twice as unkind by having two dogs in the house on their own?

2. Will he upset my dog coming into the house as the older dog. I do make a point of me being pack leader.

3. I cant stand the current name, is it easy enough to train a dog to respond to a new name?

4. What is the best way to introduce them?


The trainer used a new name (the one i cant stand) because the dog cowered when called his original name.


Any thoughts greatly appreciated.


1. no just twice as daft, what makes you think it will react any different when stuck in your house than it did stuck in the first? what it needs is attention

2. dont matter who the leader is there will still be a pecking order to establish

3. yes, but why add to the stress

4. carefully and slowly. I like to bring the new dog to the existing and imediatly turn its rear to the resident dog. Might just be daft but i feel it stops the interloper imediatly starting on a dominant footing. Suppose it depends on the dogs though

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So a few questions-


1. Are we being twice as unkind by having two dogs in the house on their own?

2. Will he upset my dog coming into the house as the older dog. I do make a point of me being pack leader.

3. I cant stand the current name, is it easy enough to train a dog to respond to a new name?

4. What is the best way to introduce them?



1. No, they will keep each other company. If dogs are to be left alone it is far better to have two together than one on it's own.

2. Depends on how you introduce them. Make sure you stay pack leader, they will work out their own pecking order.

3. Yes. If at all possible try to pick a new name that has a similar sound to it's existing name.

4. Try to do the introduction outside whilst at play and away from the home. If possible do it gradually over a few days

so they get to know each opther before you bring the new dog home permanently.


Good luck with everything.

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Thanks for the response kent. As for being twice as daft i agree but as i say the dogs do get a lot of attention in the morning and evening and it is never longer than the 8 hours or so.


From what I have been told the dog was left for literally days at a time and was totally mistreated so I would like to think we could give him a good home even though we are out at work. Luckily i have two weeks off ahead of me so can get him settled in if i decide to have him.

Edited by ferguson_tom
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With our dogs they've worked out a pecking order after realising they are to do as they're told by all family members....it's no suprise really that the yougest dog in our household (last one in) is the last in line so to speak, (gets fed last etc. etc) it's quite comical seeing the eldest springer have enough of a large GSP and a young springer fooling about and tell them off. As already said, can't you introduce them first somewhere outside of your house perhaps....see how things go?


I agree about the comments on having more than one dog, our's are very happy together and we'd always have more than one, they are left for approx 4 hours each day and not once have we had an issue (they have the run of the house too but prefer to lay in the bay window together waiting for someone to return)...the two youngest dogs really are great mates and seem to do most things together, they're always up to something :lol:

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Sorry didnt make myself clear the dogs original name was Blue but he coweres everytime he hears this, I do quite like the name Blue. The one i dont like is the new name the trainer gave - Stryder. I no its something silly but i really can not stand the name stryder.


Thanks for the comments about having more than one dog, put my mind at rest.


Were going down to see him tonight so they will be introduced outside my home. I am planing on getting them home with new dog in the boot and my pup on the middle seat, then when we get home take them over the field and see how they get on. When i get in for the first time im going to put new dog in the house first then bring my pup in after. Does all this sound the right thing to do?

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Good luck with it mate, im sure they'll become good friends soon. As has been said seeing as your not with them for up to 8hrs a day i think having company for each other is a good idea, i did a similar thing-my springer was on her own for a good few hours at a time so i got a lurcher bitch to keep her company. They soon became brilliant mates! And yeah they soon sort out the pecking order-at 1st the lurcher thought she was the boss but the springer soon sorted that out!! :lol: Funny because the lurchers twice the size of the springer!

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Does all this sound the right thing to do?


It seems a bit late to offer an opinion now as you have made your decision.


I hope it all works out.


FWIW I could never support your decision to take on what is basically a rescue dog when you are out 8 hours a day.


My dogs are, on occassion left for that length of time in the kennel, but then that is their home and where they have been conditioned to be for increasing periods of time since they were pups.

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Just thought would keep you all informed, we went to see him yesterday and after much careful thought have decided against it. George (my pup) got on well with him but after about 15mins he had started to annoy the rescue dog and got snapped at as he would not leave him alone. It was not viscously just a warning and we decided best not to as they are going to be left. Also after talking to our head trainer at the club she advised it would be the worst thing for George as he is now used to being at home so that is not the problem any more and bringing another dog in would only mean we have to split our time and end up with two mediocre dogs. We have decided to leave it now until George is older and fully trained and then bring in a younger dog to the family so his place in the peking order is less likely to be affected.


Thanks everyone for all your help, great forum and great people cheers :)

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Just thought would keep you all informed, we went to see him yesterday and after much careful thought have decided against it. George (my pup) got on well with him but after about 15mins he had started to annoy the rescue dog and got snapped at as he would not leave him alone. It was not viscously just a warning and we decided best not to as they are going to be left. Also after talking to our head trainer at the club she advised it would be the worst thing for George as he is now used to being at home so that is not the problem any more and bringing another dog in would only mean we have to split our time and end up with two mediocre dogs. We have decided to leave it now until George is older and fully trained and then bring in a younger dog to the family so his place in the peking order is less likely to be affected.


Thanks everyone for all your help, great forum and great people cheers :)


You did the right thing :yes:

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