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Laugh of the day


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SWMBO for some reason watched Michael Bubbly or something the other night and was mightily impressed - so impressed she bought a double CD from supermarket. - Well we just had tea and as usual I am on computer so she come in and says I will get Michael Doubly CD out of car and play it on DVD player -- Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. -


So here I am and 10 min later she shuffles in "I can't get any sound" - So sit's in front of TV and say's have you got the remotes- All of them - Yes -- Right what is this one for - Freeview - do we need it -No - what is this for ?- Freesat - Do we need it--No -- This one -- TV do we need it -- No - right we have two left - one for DVD and one for Surround amp - - Is DVD running - Yes - so which remote do we need -- Amp --- she is quick - Right - watch carefully -


There is a oddity with Onkio Amps - you have to tell it after a while it needs to talk to receiver not TV - So press Reciever then what are you playing CD on -- DVD - right now press DVD button -- Yippee - out of speakers comes Michelle Bobly -- I have that in car - Have what - that track -- Ha ha - two CD has same music on each CD - One recorded and other live.


Am I the only one with a Techno nerd as a wife.- I bet I could look in every draw and find a bit of paper with Instructions on how to play anything on TV etc. and she still can't get it.



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Good old Shaun


Was wimmin and been a long time since I turned Onkyo on - when I did place up forgot FM aerial so no radio 2 - too much hassle to turn freesat on then amp then go through buttons till get sound -- AVI - HDMI2 or was it HDMI1 - no that's DVD



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