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My first gun!


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After reciving my licence and going to the Cheshire Gun Rooms to collect my gun,(a second hand Lanber O/U sporting) I had John fit it for me and as I suspected it needed a few inches adding to the stock so after getting the correct length left it overnight to be "sorted".

Went to collect it today along with some shells and a nice new slip to keep her in.

Now I cant wait to get out and give it a whirl :yes: as me and my pals havent got ANY permision between us have put the feelers out to see if I can go with some others that have permision. Well its either that or go and blast some clays!! :hmm:


I know which one I would prefer but like you all know getting permision is getting harder and harder to get :/



hopefully I will have some reports to post up as soon as I get out to shoot some woodies or rabbits.

Edited by BiG_Al
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Go and shoot at least 50 clays, it will help you with seeing if the fit is good or not.

If a pattern plate is available, have a go on that.

If there's a good coach around, ask him to have a look for you. :yes:

You won't be able to judge fit too well on pigeons and rabbits unless you know what your doing.

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