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And Then it Rained

pigeon controller

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Picked up DB Friday morning and we looked at each other and said where do we try now??. This was because the season has opened and a lot of our shooting will be suspended due to our respect for other peoples shooting. We had seen some drilling last week so we decided to try in that area to start with. we did six miles and found a number of birds on drilled wheat and also a simular number on the clover. so we split and agreed that who was getting more shooting would be the place to concentrate. In one hour I had shot four on the clover and DB had had fifteen so I moved down to his hide and we shot in turns. It was very frustrating as the hide position meant that you were shooting into the sun. We ended the day with 73 with a lot of birds going behind us on MOD property, which we have no access.


Today we have travelled over seventy miles and each time we found a flight line ( 3 times) we found a shooter on the end of it. We ended up on a stubble field at 15.00 and set up and at 16.30 the rain started and we ran for the car after picking up 32, but we still enjoyed the day and spotted a lot of rape for the winter.



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