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Last Fox drive of this year..


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Hiya, not got any pics of this one, so didnt like to post it in the other section.



We held the last driven fox shoot of the season today, I was awake before the alarm went off at 5am...and was chatting to Trogg on Facebook as I heated my Kidney soup up at 0505 hrs....mad or what?...anyway, off to collect Mick at 5.30 then a short drive to get Cammy ...into his "new" Delica and away we went. Arrived at the farm at 07.45 for an 8am meet....a BIG first for us...we're usually getting a call "where are you?? " We were first there..:) As it turns out, we were very undergunned, and about 4-5 guns short....


Anyway, off to the first drive...not a thing but rabbits, and more Rabbits.,and then a few rabbits.....ALL coming out the woods...hiding from the rain I suppose.....a couple of Roe too, but they were left alone.


Drive 2, Was the big drive, which we all look forward to, a hillside covered with Scots Pine and massive Gorse covered areas..there has been lots of Pheasants being taken on the hill, and a couple of nights before the "leader Off" was lamping the hill, and managed one fox, and saw another two....the foxes have a habit of doubling back on the hill and they didnt let us down, but this time we were ready... we use Kenwood radios on the shoots, and they really came into play today...as we were undergunned, the LO could move us about as the foxes changed direction, the end result was two foxes....probobly the same two that were seen a couple of nights before...and VERY exciting shooting...my wee heart was pounding listening to the guys onto the foxes..:)


Drive 3 and 4 produced no foxes, but saw but plenty rabbits and a few Roe...all left to carry on with their lives...for now...:)


So, todays kill was a mere two Foxes, which after the last two drives seems a miniscule amount....BUT, I'm probobly being blase about it..:)


Then went across the road to see the owner of a new wee permission I got a couple of months ago , I was meant to be lamping there after the shoot, but it was early,6 hours till dark o clock, and raining, and I didnt think it was worth it..so, told Andy the farmer that...also told him thats the driven fox shooting finished till after New Year...he said, "Aye at some places" so, from lamping his rabbits, I'm now lamping his foxes.......:)


Anyway... on the last three drives ( there were 4 this season) we have had 18 foxes...a good result methinks...and I cant wait till January, when we start up again...just in time for Lambing... :good:


BTW, the Delica performed superbly...great off road , even with Road tyres fitted... :good:

Edited by Norrie
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Hi Steve., The guys that run the shoots concentrate more on Pheasants,Partridge,and Ducks, etc through the autumn months..thats the main reason for the Fox shoots in late summer early autumn...to protect the game birds they lay down on the various farms/estates....then it all starts up again in January through till about April...clearing out as many of the foxes before lambing starts.:)


Vulpicide, Most of the guys that go on these shoots are all known (mainly) to each other...or attend through invite from an established shooter..

I was lucky enough to get asked by a couple of mates of mine that have been going for years....I've been going for about 18months , and I can now ask guys I know....which I did a couple of weeks ago, with two forum members,. both those guys, are able to go when they can now..:) A sort of "trial" run so to speak...:)


We have a hard core of shooters...but sometimes, work etc comes first..and thats what happened this weekend...:)


Where are you anyway?? Not got yer location on yer thingy...:)You can PM it if you like.. :good:

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Hi I've been out with the lad with the Beagles a few times as has one shot I also go out with the guy with the big hounds and I go out with the SHPA one of the reasons we still get to work our dogs in Scotland was because I took the time along with others to oppose the Watson bill through the Scottish parliament and if you have been on the SACS stand at any Scottish Fair you've probably already spoke to me already. :hmm: I didnt mention the name of the guy with the beagles :yp: as I don't know if he wants to be famous like us myself and one shot are in the south side of Glasgow but have gun will travel oneshot is only sixteen but has his sgc and SACS membership and has been working terriers with me since he was four years old and has a good record on foxes :shoot:

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