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Allotment - Clearing advice


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I've heard of doing that!

Place the black sheeting over the problem area, then at planting time just cut a slit big enough to drop a seed potato in, and leave to grow.

When its harvest time, you remove the sheeting, dig up your spuds and in doing so turn over the nice weed free soil! :good:

Even been done to convert lawns to veg beds!

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Get a chap with a mini digger equipped with a ripper tooth and rip to 18" depth.

Thats easier than double digging and improves drainage.I think Marestail thrives in damp ground.

Certainly use cheaper equivelents of Roundup, although getting late in the year now.

Let the frost break up the ground over winter and rotorvate in march when the soil is drier.

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Well I have spent 6 hours this weekend in the glorious sunshine on the allotment.

Raking out all the dead undergrowth, digging out brambles (3 trailer loads to the tip) and have sprayed with Clinic Ace.

I will see how effective the weedkiller is and then rotovate so that I can start marking out hard features (base of shed, paths, compost heaps etc)

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I'm soooo jealous :lol:

I was given an allotment a few years ago, as it was totally overgrown, the old chap who had it was on borrowed time, so the committee left him alone. When he died, I was given it rent free for a year, it was so bad! I wasn't working at the time, so spent a full summer stripping the whole place back to bare soil, knocked down the old shed/greenhouse, rebuilt one, made a pond, raised beds, compost heap, the works!

Enjoy it, even all the backbreaking work, you will be so proud when its up and running! :good::yes:

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