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Scope rings on a 308


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Loving the 308, first problem was flip up pins creeping out, sorted with some carefully administered super glue. After a brilliant start with my reloads at 100yds I moved it out to 200 and the groups were all over the place. This second batch of ammo was in necksized cases so was expecting greater things,pretty dissapointing until I noticed the scopes had crept forward about 5ml and the scope ring screws were not tight. I know I had put it all together carefully in the first place, relined scope and carefully re torqued down and accuracy was restored, after nine rounds re checked and all seems fine. Just wondering if anyone else has had this sort of problem and if any tips out there.



Ps they are leupold steel std 1inch rings and bases.

Edited by Redgum
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I suppose there is the chance that maybe I just didnt tighten them enough on setting up, always a bit paranoid on overtightening but a light gun like my Tika hunter and 308 calibre seem very unforgiving on anything a little week. Must be harder on a 375 or 416 though.

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I had that problem on my Midland when I went to a 30mm tube and had to lose the 25mm Parker Hale rings. Bill at Norman Clarke sorted me out the correct Weaver mounts with arrester slots in them and Millet rings with arrester lugs to suit. They don't creep now. Got to set the rings up with a collimator of course, as they're double sided clamps.

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