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Its a sad day for demonwolf444


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well its finally happened. The .177 pistol that i have had since aged about seven has finally died. This pistol has been through allot.

And this is its story.

Aged five i used to go round to my dads friends house when he went over there for a catch up, whilst there i shot my first air rifles and pistols, later i moved house and on a catch up visit i returned to the new house with a gamo .177 air pistol, obviously i wasnt aloud it on my own for a long time.

aged 9 the pistol dissappeared and i assumed my dad threw it away.

aged 11 i found it in my mums sock drawer whilst looking for some winter socks, i confronted her and she allowed me to have it.

later that year i took it appart to "see how it works", long story short i lost the safety when i took it appart,

age 13 i painted my room and found both parts after "finding one part and loosing the other"

age 15 i stripped the mettal to reveal a silvery finish

the rear sight was lost, and not knowing i could source one from the US i filed the whole lot off, seriously weakened the top of the "slide" (it doesnt slide)

age 16 i crono'd it and put a pin in the gun to retain the hammer spring which had snapped, it crono'd at 3.2 ft/lbs

the E clips that held the barrel pin in snapped,

loading port cracked

still works.

age 17

barrel retaining screw heads snapped off

new hammer spring replaced.

age 18


Co2 bulb seal broken.

ripped it out to replace, and still havent found a good replacement


SO what im asking is

a) does anybody know of someone who has a Gamo p23 for sale, my first one was a very early version but i dont really care how new it is.

B) does anyone know what makes a good co2 seal (silicone seal and leather didnt work well :( )

c) does anyone know where i might be able to get some parts....


i know its crazy but sentimental old me is having a hard time giving up the gun which got me hooked.

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