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Matt Gould

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hello guys, in the next week im gonna be going pigeon decoying over rape, i have never done pigeon decoying before, but i do know what i have gotta do decoys in to wind in a U shape, well built hide...... what i wanted to know is i have go lots of decoys to take i was just wondering how many should i put out because i dont want to put soo many out the pigeons think all the food has been taken in that area and go some where else........ the decoys i have got are 12 shells with spring sticks, 10 real pigeons i have been saving in my freezer, 2 bouncers, and a flapper and timer. what should i put out ?????????


Cheers Matt

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Depends on size of flocks in your area.

Generul rule of thumb is more decoys the better in the winter. Try starting with just the real birds, and if your pattern is ignored add the shells as well mixing the real and shells. Personally I add real birds at the back of the pattern to start with as these are more visible on approach when they are committed.

Using 22 decoys I prefer to double up on the decoys instead of making the pattern bigger if that makes sense. Adding two or three birds deep at the head of the pattern and a couple of bids deep on the legs.

Feel free to PM if you want a chat on the phone if that's easier.



Edited by Cosd
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I would worry less about how you put the decoys out and how many you use, but concentrate on whether there are actually enough birds using the field to warrant even setting up and where the flightlines are.

By the way, pigeons are not clever enough to reason that a food source may or not be used up.

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I would worry less about how you put the decoys out and how many you use, but concentrate on whether there are actually enough birds using the field to warrant even setting up and where the flightlines are.

By the way, pigeons are not clever enough to reason that a food source may or not be used up.


completely agree with the last point made, the birds dont think all the food will be gone, they just think there are some pigeons i'll join them. well, if your pattern looks right that is! just give it a go mate, and dont be afraid to keep changing things about if nothing happening. all a learning curve.

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The U shape should point into the wind. Birds use the wind to slow down as they land so this is very important when there is anything stronger than a light breeze.


So to point the pattern to your hide, which is the preffered set up by many, you need to position the hide so the wind is blowing into your back.


The two bouncers can be placed 15 yards behind each leg of the U pointing into the pattern as though they are heading in to land. The flapper I place either at the head of the U or near the head in the kill zone.


I can PM you my number if that isn't clear and you prefer me to explain over the phone.

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