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My ESS in pup.


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I've just got back from having an ultrasound scan on my bitch and even though we only managed 1 mating I'm happy to say she is in pup.


We've bred her with a fantastic dog that belongs to a gamkeeper mate of mine hoping some of his steadynes will come thro in the pups as I'm keeping one for myself.


What are your thoughts on sex (no not that) some say dogs can be difficult and head strong and bitches are easier to train. What do you advise?

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I think 2 bitches will be easier than 1 of each, but if you are pondering a dog then also ponder how to seperate during her season, this may make decision easier.

i would personally wait till the pups are born and make your decision on which you think has potential, and that you like, i am sure they will all be delightfull but one or two will catch your eye more than the others. beauty is in the eye of the beholder :D an all that


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I think 2 bitches will be easier than 1 of each, but if you are pondering a dog then also ponder how to seperate during her season, this may make decision easier. :good:

i would personally wait till the pups are born and make your decision on which you think has potential, and that you like, i am sure they will all be delightfull but one or two will catch your eye more than the others. beauty is in the eye of the beholder :D an all that



We have only bred her this time to get a pup for ourselves, hopefully the money from the sale of the other pups will cover our costs (Stud, vets, jabs etc). we have no intention of breeding from her again so will probably have our bitch spayed after this litter so keeping a dog shouldn't shape the decision in that respect, but I understand that looking out for potential is important. and as for looks, they're all going to be stunners. :D


got to be a bitch mate


Because I already have one, or do you think they're easier to work with?

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I think some people do better with a certain sex. I used to always go for bitches in the main and they seemed to bond closer than the dogs i had. In recent times i have become a Dog man as the extra size is an important consideration as is the fact they don't come into season when you need them the most.


If you keep a dog then get your bitch spayed very soon after recovery as people tend to put such things off till they are pressing. Yes been there and its very stesfull to both dogs and the owner :good:

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If you keep a dog then get your bitch spayed


A few years ago I bought a young springer bitch which had been spayed. She turned out to be one of the best dogs I've had and I wished she had never bee spayed. It would have been great to get a litter from her. I vowed never to have a bitch done.


Just a consideration.


I only keep bitches by the way, find them easier to work with and if you have a couple then them, coming into heat shouldn't be a problem unless your unlucky to have them both in at the same time.

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Up till a few years ago i would have said keep a dog, i had a couple of soft dogs that were bitches and when i say soft i mean soft. But now i'm of a different take on it, i have 2 bithces that are both hard hunting and intellingent, all the dogs i had before were hard going but stopping them was a nightmare.


Best thing you could do is wait and see maybe what pup is showing a bit of style and has a brain before you sell them! Doesn't matter if it's a bitch or do, when you you get the spaniel for you! :good:

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