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General rant on permissions


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This is just a rant as this must happen to many shooters but it does make you mad. Yes I know that I dont own the land on which I shoot, or the sporting rights for that matter and we must learnt to share otherwise all the shooting would be had by the select few and make it impossible for new guns to get shooting.

I have a permission thats about 800 acres, was overrun with bunnies when I was asked to shoot it, but to leave the foxs and hares unless told otherwise.Over the last few years I have got the bunny population down to just a few, once I could go out and lamp into double figures but now its hard work to get a brace for the pot, just the way it should be.

A small 20 acre wood on the property has a small population of Muntjac and the odd Roe ( this wood is situated between two big blocks of woodland and deer use it when travelling the couple of miles between the two.) I have built two high seats in the wood which are used by the landowner and his wife to observe wildlife and for me to shoot the odd Muntjac.

The landowner has a few rabbits around his garden which are not possible to shoot because of horses, house, ducks etc, he has his own rimfire and pops at a few. Recently a local lad was round offering his ferreting services, hes been twice and yet to bag rabbit ( not really that surprising as there are only a few hedge dwellers about). The owner has been convinced to extend this lads services to lamping and squirrel shooting as long as he traps a few rats while hes at it. Nothing wrong at all with this but I know that this lad has abit of a reputation for leaving piles of rabbits in hedges, shooting foxs anywhere he thinks he wont be caught and generally tearing over farm land in his beat up landrover. He will lamp the owners hares,fox's and deer without a worry. What do you do, you can't go mud slinging, it just makes you look protective over the shooting and the lads repution is only hear say, the owner obviously trusts this chap. No, life will take its course, he will shoot the foxs,deer and hares, tear up the ground and no doupt be thrown off in time, eventually the dust will settle and the deer will return, not sure if I will be able to contain my friendliness if I see him in my highseats though :lol:

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He may get bored when he realises that there are not big numbers to bag and throw, and before anyone says' don't listen to hear say', the info, apart from just general rumour came from a very good mate who had gone out lamping with the said lad but never again, my mate is also a ferreter, a reputable one,some of you will have probably met him at some of the big gamefairs doing his demo's, wish the landowner had asked me and I would have got him in.

Edited by Redgum
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Its a bit of a ****** when the land owner gives his permission as it leaves you without any say in the matter.

If i was you i would give the land owner a gypsy warning about the lads reputation but with out coming across as

vindictive against him. That way if things start getting torn up an things shot that shouldn't be, then you can't

be held responsible. It what you call a case of covering your own backside if this lad starts making a mess of things

an could possible start passing the buck. It does happen an i have personally seen it in happen an the rows it can cause.


And if the worse does come to happen and the owner does end up throwing the lad off. That could secure

your shooting for quiet a while as he will not be readily so trusting in any one else for quiet a while.

So it could work out good for you in the end.


Hope it works out for you mate






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He may get bored when he realises that there are not big numbers to bag and throw, and before anyone says' don't listen to hear say', the info, apart from just general rumour came from a very good mate who had gone out lamping with the said lad but never again, my mate is also a ferreter, a reputable one,some of you will have probably met him at some of the big gamefairs doing his demo's, wish the landowner had asked me and I would have got him in.



There's no smoke without fire. If he sounds like a ****** and acts like a ******, he's a ******.

Might pay to keep a note of all misdemeanours in the diary- they'll probably start from day one. If he's going to make a rope for himself you may as well make sure it ends up round his neck.

It helps the stress levels when your keeping records. I do it and it's helped to convince the landowner to take trespass seriously.

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Thanks for that, the trouble is how do you say anything without sounding vindictive, when the landowner told me about this chap I did mention about the safety of lamping when someone else is about, his answer was that he wouldnt allow this to happen. Now I always call before going onto the land and email the next day (thats if I'm not arriving with half a butchered deer for him to share) to report on what I had shot or seen.

The landowner knows I'm a stickler for safety, it would only take me to come across this lad out lamping without him calling the landowner first. I will report anything I see ie dead animals in hedges etc. One of the problems I can see on the landowners part is that when there were loads of rabbits I was out three times a week with the lamp, as numbers have dropped then I have been out less as I was going out and seeing no rabbits at all at one point, sometimes only going out fortnightly.There are a few bunnies that you see when driving onto the property but there aint many now generally. :D

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If the land owner knows your an how strict you are with safety an every thing else. Then

he should respect any thing you have to say about any given shooter he may have given permission

to go on his land. It sounds easier then it is to say some thing bad about some one else with

out coming across vindictive. But as iv said before if the farmer knows you that well, then he should

know that you wouldn't be telling him these things just out of malice for the other person.

And as above post has stated, just keep an eye on things an write down times an dates when you do

notice any thing which aint as it should be. If possible take a smart phone with you an film or take

pictures with it as evidence.


Taking time out to do this is a small price to pay for saving you bit of land from a totall

idiot who shoots any an every thing in site an tears the ground up along the way.

And if he's as bad as you have suggested he is, then you won't have long to wait for

said evidence to be recorded an logged. Sooner he's out the way the better for you an the land you

got by the looks.

All best with it mate





Edited by deputy dog
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