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My turn for a bad joke

Lord Geordie

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Ok here goes i will get my coat before i start :good:












Lady is driving down a country road looking in her mirror and applying her makeup.


Just then she glances at the road and a Rabbit darts out in front of her car! She hammers on the brakes in horror and BOOM she strikes the poor bunny :lol:


She Jumps out of the car and runs to the poor creature which is stone dead on the road.


She breaks down into inconsolable tears at the thought of what she had done.



Just then a car traveling in the opposite direction pulls up and a Vicar steps out of the car and makes his way over the the woman.


Are you alright my child he asks? And she wails even louder now saying how sorry she is and points to the poor creature lying dead in the road.


The Vicar walks over to the Rabbit and after a few minuets stands up and steps to one side and the lady is AMAZED to see the rabbit up on it's feet alive :welcomeani:


Just then the rabbit runs off up the road about 5 feet or so and turns to face the lady and Waves.


The again he runs another 5 feet turns and again waves at the lady who by now is elated the rabbit is alive again.


And again he runs 5 feet turns and waves at the lady and this continues till the rabbit is out of sight.


Then she walks to the vicar and asks! What did you do? He took a small bottle from his pocket and shows the lady.


I used some of this! He replied!


The lady looks puzzled and asks! Is it holy water?


The vicar replies No my child!!












Wait for it

































It's HAIR restorer with permanent wave :P



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