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Unexpected pup trouble


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My sister in law got a 8 week Bedlington pup and after two sleepless nights listening to their lurcher yowling at it I volunteered to puppy sit and give them a break


We're getting on like a house on fire, she has survived her first cat encounter, is better at going upstairs than down and only one puddle.


Oops! Make that two puddles ;)


It's not easy being a pup, but women are odd things and I can see the pup could have problems if the sleep depravation thing continues.


I'll keep the pup here tonight, but how to stop the lurcher moaning? Our lurcher doesn't moan but, unlike theirs, she isn't a pampered cow used to getting her own way. I reckon a dog should know it's place and, even if that is the bottom of the heap, they're happier for it.

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Thanks LB I will be sure to pass that on, maybe I should give them some ear plugs :yes:


Not a squeak from ny two last night. Usually when I open the kitchen door of a morning the dogs hardly move out of their beds. After spending the night with Molly, opening the door was a bit like breaking through the rock wall and seeing the trapped miners behind :good:

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A friend of mine dog used to wince all the time at night, basically when everyone had goe to bed, they found the best thing to do was leave a radio on (one of the really chatty stations) for some reason it seemed to keep the dog company and no noise...after a while they stopped leaving the radio on and all was well...:yes:

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