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reloading 410's with 3inch hulls

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Some of you will know ive just bought a 410 loading press


And Im waiting for my reload book to come through the post but have a couple of questions before it comes.


I want to reload 3” reused hulls with 7.5 or 8 or 9 shot, with crimped finish (7.5 shot in a 3” hull will give me about 241 pellets per cartridge)


Where’s the best place to get the reload stuff from I.E primers wads powder and shot etc anyone got any links or prices so I know roughly what im going to be paying


What’s the best powder and primers to get for a 3” reused hull


Am I best with plastic or fibre wads?


Anyone got any tried and tested recipes? PM me if you don’t want to post on a open forum


Im going to go and see my local RFD tomorrow and ask him some questions about reloading.


Sorry for all the questions I’m just excited and wish my book was here already so I can have a good read through it.


Cheers in advance



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For wads/consumables SIARM is the cheapest and they will ship primers and primed cases ,My personal preference for 3" powder wise is Vectan SP3 from Peter lawman he also sells cases and wads but a bit more pricy than SIARM but he will send powder by courier ,Also try to use cork wads or plastic wads with no petals in a moderated shotgun as the petals can expand into the moderator chambers before leaving the end of the moderator but otherwise plastic will suit your needs.

I can send you some data for 410 3" via PM













Edited by Andy H
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UK F, have you ever successfully crimped a new European case? (I roll mine.)

never tried FC I had a good stash of winchester HS cases and used thoughs for my 3/4oz hunting loads H110 and a PC orange wad I have used the european cases with a rto but still like the yank cases better in my 870 pump they feed better and the cases dont self destruct

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