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Semi Auto users- whats your cleaning routine ?

Salop Matt

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I have a Beretta AL391 Urika Teknys Stonecoat and a gold version of the same and my cleaning regime is as follows:


If it hasn't got wet it doesn't get cleaned, just a wipe over externally.


It gets stripped, cleaned and reassembled when it needs it, normally about every 5k shells then minimal lubrication, just the contact points. A new recoil spring and full clean about every 12k shells since I changed to J&P Custom Works recoil springs, the OEM lasted about 5k.


If it gets wet then it's sprayed with oil then stripped as soon as I get home.


I have had it from new 2 years ago and have put about 24k shells through it, 10 failures to cycle with light loads following recoil spring changes and a couple when it got wet.


I use Gamebore Super Steel for Skeet and Blue Diamond\White Gold Plas and Fibre for everything else and they are incredibly clean :)



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the Benelli is by far the easiest to clean, no gas piston & no ports on the barrel means no filthy burnt crud can get into the handguard area which means its just a case of pulling the barrel through & your done.


I only strip & clean the bold head & inside the receiver after about 600 to 700 rounds, never had a problem.


Would never buy a gas gun ever again.





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I have a Browning maxus in mossy oak;


Cleaning can be tedious, but I find the right oils and a bit of elbow grease does the trick. I like to use napier HQ oil on the rails/spring and to clean out around the ejector/breech. I use a compound oil similar, but better, than wd40, (forgot the darn name!) for the barrel, gas components and other metal; it brings them up like new! A toothbruch around the tricky bits never goes amis... HOWEVER, I DO NOT touch the camo paint job with eitjer oils as I've heard that some may corrode it, a bit of liught detergent on a dry cloth does the job, or baby wipes..

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I've got a browning fusion and dean it spotless after every outing.


Hoppes bore solvent. Chamber brush ,bronze brush the works


I take out the bolt clean it spotless Clean the gas ring with carburettor cleaner as shown by my local gunsmith


I oil with standard bisley oil.


Use noting but 70mm carts and it works like a dream. I have rarely any jams.


Works for me

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I have a remington 1187 special purpose camo. I clean barrel normaly every 3 outings. But once I get through 200 carts I clean everyting with 009 to disolve the lead. But with the trigger mechanism I take it out and light brush with bronze toothbrush type. With 009 on it followed by a airosol lube.

Edited by Sm0kah
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