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At Last....First Grey of the Season...


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Hiya,I've been after a Grey since the start of the season, and they've always eluded me....god knows why....so, I did a recce of our side of the pond a couple of days ago, and watched maybe 1,000 Greys and Canadas being put up by the farmer.....so, decided., today was the day to try again for a Grey....I called Cammy,( my friendly Goose shooting expert) and we agreed for him to be at mine for 0630..then on to the pond......at 0600 the door went... :blink: Just as well I was ready....met up with Gavaroo on the way, and we were set up, deeks out etc.. and waiting for the first flight at 7am, it was still dark...

It had snowed through the night, and there was over an inch of the stuff on the ground...it was cold, overcast and misty, great weather...BUT no wind at all....so, we waited, and waited, and waited.....there were a few flights taking off of the water, but all headed away from us... :rolleyes: Typical, but a few flights of duck headed over us., and Cammy downed one...

Then., all of a sudden, as per usual, three Greys came looming out the mist, right over us...I was fortunate to hit one, and it came down no more than 20yds away...BUT a 1/2 mile walk..it had come down the other side of a very flooded drainage ditch..mibbes 6-8 feet deep, and wide....causing a 1/4 mile walk up and back down it to retrieve the bird... :blink:

We had nothing after that, no flights, none at all, all the birds were feeding 3/4 a mile away, which is not on my permission...... :rolleyes:


A great morning out, great craic,and I also make great sarnies..and not a bad cup of tea too.. :good:


So, all packed up, and headed home...on the way, we called into another of my perms....just for a wee mooch....and right in the middle of a field...three Roe...all Hinds....Guess what i'm doing early tomorrow morning..??

Then after that, off to a bird of prey centre with Gavaroo to see a chap about some ratting ... :good:


Couple of pics..:)


Solitary Greylag..



The drainage ditch..



The flooded pond.


Edited by Norrie
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Well done Norrie :good: :good: :good: need to get yersell a dug ;):P I was out this morning - plenty of Geese but no wind & too high :/ a tad on the warm side too ;)



LOL, Thanks Tam...been a long few months mate...Yep, I do need a dog......Cammy is breeding his two black Labs next year, and now we dont have a dog...I'm front of the queue for a pup......:)






well done :good: thats some size pond :lol:



LOL, Yep it is, but it's heavily flooded...:)

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Why did ye no just paddle across :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: mind you only a 5 minute walk :lol:





Paddle...??? Its about 8 feet deep, and a tad cold...:) I didnt walk, Gav did, he's much younger, and fitter,as you know... AND he offered... :good: Nothing wrong with having a wee bit of respect for yer elders... :blink:

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Paddle...??? Its about 8 feet deep, and a tad cold...:) I didnt walk, Gav did, he's much younger, and fitter,as you know... AND he offered... :good: Nothing wrong with having a wee bit of respect for yer elders... :blink:


As long as you don't think we are going to carry you up the hill on the next fox drive :o :P :P

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Well done Norrie.Keep that white stuff up in bonny Scotland mate cos I don't want it down here in Sunny West Wales!




LOl, Thanks for that...it's not too bad actually...quite mild too .....so far...:)


As long as you don't think we are going to carry you up the hill on the next fox drive :o :P :P



Tam, guess where the first one is??? Yep, THAT one...I'm hoping to get the Lotto up before it, so I can hire/buy/steal a helicopter...:)

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Hiya, Thanks for the comments guys..:)

I left the goose to hang for a day or so, guts in... and after plucking and gutting, this is the end result yesterday......:) It's now in the freezer waiting for Xmas...tho, hopefully a few more will join it..:) Actually ,I found only 4 wounds to it, is that right for a 3/4 choke ( 2nd barrel) ,42g no 4 at 25yds?? I'm not clued up on shotgun patterns, and dont usually skin/check the foxes I shoot.. :lol:



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