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Coyotes and Raccoons


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Brilliant. Nice to read posts from over the pond. Your lucky having yotes and raccoons , wish we had them over here !!!


Thanks for the compliment FOXHUNTER but be careful what you wish for!! I wish we had fox still and pheasant and quail. The Coyote is like a Piranha with hair and a canine brain and I truly wish he were not here, they are hard on all wildlife including our deer herd. I make the best of it and get enjoyment hunting them but can never make a dent in their number. They are smart and adaptable and unlike the one always chasing the roadrunner on cartoons usually gets what he came for.

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Raccoons are a major pest in the US, not just around domestic dwellings, but also to farmers and livestock owners.

Have a look here http://www.farmersalmanac.com/home-garden/2011/04/11/pest-of-the-month-raccoons/

The Raccoons are a menace and in many places are out of control. I have had farmers tell me not to come back if I won't shoot coons when I see them. As an added bonus the hides are of some value. I averaged $10@ on these coons, it pays for the fuel!


thanks gents..never knew that.... :good:

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Hi CM, I take it by the above quote that Illinois has a close season on the Coyotes...?


Nice write up, always like to read what's going on over the pond... :good:



Hi Joe,

No closed season, in fact there is talk of a bounty in certain counties in the state. Mating season is much like the rut for deer with the Coyote up and about day/night. A bounty would be good to help cover fuel expense while out spotting and stalking (one of the more effective methods on flat ground)

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