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Zero shift with moderator on/off


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No they don't Miffy, well not the one I have been out with anyway, you carry the rifle and the sound carries away down the valley. I have been in the situation when I have been fortunate enough to fire 4 shots in fairly quick succession (and no contrary, to common belief they don't all run off in different directions) and my ears weren't ringing afterwards. This may sound weird but that boooom is actaully part of the experience.


My mate took his rifle+mod on our first trip and never took it again, every ounce counts yomping up and down those hills all day lond as well.


Horses for courses really.


Whenever i see someone hill stalking in scotland in a magazine they usually have their rifle slip with them and i always thought that was the norm.


Contrary to popular belief i have used a rifle both on the range and at live quarry and when shooting live quarry i can't recall ever hearing the boom or felt the recoil come to think of it......doesn't mean that it isn't damaging my hearing though and i for one choose to shoot with a moderator...You guys do as you please



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This is the reason why i wont have one fitted to my CZ .223.


If you don't absolutely need one Frank don't do it, I sort of had to at the time, and I am begining to wish I hadn't now. . .


I certainly won't be moderating my stalking rifle, until it is impossible for me to go out without one.


I dont intend to Stuart. :angry:

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Some interesting thoughts being put forward, and although I can see where the “non-moderator” users are coming from, I also think that they probably think that way because they haven’t used one or have an aversion to using one because of their unattractiveness.

I certainly would have fallen into this category only a few months ago, but since firing my .243 in the middle of a wood (and spending the rest of the day trying to clear the ringing from my ears) I am now a firm believer in their beneficial use.

I use shooting sticks Nick and the use of a T8 means that the moderator isn’t trying to pull the rifle over the front of them. :angry: In fact it helps to stabilise the rifle very well. It also acts as a very efficient muzzle-brake which means that there is no jump on the rifle, which also means that I am able to see the strike of the bullet. Not too important if you are on the hill I suppose, but if you are shooting at something 200yds away in tall grass it can make a difference. I shot a long-range fox last year in deep grass, and as the rifle flipped up I lost sight of the fox and then spent ages walking up and down looking for the body. OK it wasn’t too much of a problem but it is much better seeing the strike and then just marking the spot.

Went out last night at @ 7.00pm to have a go at a large rabbit population right next to some houses. The .22 and moderator was absolutely essential and I spent the next 3½ hours shooting away without anyone coming out to have a nose at what was going on

All in all I think that I now prefer to use the moderator on all my rifles, from .22rf/.17hmr through to .243.


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Each to their own hey, My old mans sako 75 hunter in 6.5 with a T8 and Bipod was front heavy before the Mod was fitted, and i now find it much too heavy. Intrestingly i only find it wanting to disapear over the sticks when standing shots are taken, when we sit with the sticks at half height its fine. Not quite sure why.


After making such a case for non moderated rifles, i will be having the howa screw cut and will for the time being using a non shroud Mod (one of those old husher style ones) so combined with the heavy barrel, bipod and at the moment lack of a wooden stock, this rifle should be a right pig :good:

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Chop the barrel down to 18inches Nick and fit a T8.

Makes it much more manageable :P



T8!!!!!! :lol:


i cant afford that :yp:


This mod im fitting is costing me....... £10 i havent even seen it yet, so dont know what thread to have cut yet :good:


If all goes acording to plan the rifle will be here by Friday, and i will burn the midnight oil loading up some run-in loads for it, byt hte end of sat. it should be run in. :good: (if i can find somewhere to shoot 30 unmoderated shots :/ )

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Well there we have it then ladies and gents - another PW thread draws to a close...


I will carry on using my .223 mod when the situation demands it, and will always use my .22 mod + subs. I won't bother with the 6.5 until I need to, or have to.


Sounds to me like the market is wide open for a compact, light and effcient centrefire sound mod :good: as I said earlier I was really impressed with the ASE Ultra (old style) that the guy was using at the range on Saturday, pretty quiet and very small, it just doesn't reflex back over the barrel so adds a bit to the length.

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