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Deer Where to Start?


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If somebody wanted to have a stalking calibre and wanted to use it for paid stalks only would they let you have one but just put must be accompanied for paid stalks etc on your fac or mentoring on it until you got your dsc1 or could they say you got to do your dsc before you get the calibre?


Again depending on force but you can own a deer calibre rifle with a mentor condition on there..You haven't got to pass dsc but it will help

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If somebody wanted to have a stalking calibre and wanted to use it for paid stalks only would they let you have one but just put must be accompanied for paid stalks etc on your fac or mentoring on it until you got your dsc1 or could they say you got to do your dsc before you get the calibre?


Yes, wording to the effect of "must be acompanied by estate / experianced deerstalker" used to be used a lot. Generally a booking would be required and confirmed before applying for your own gun. I think today actually being well known to the stalker in question and having been a few times with the estate gun might be required. Named single mentors is total BS to my mind many mentors are very little more than novices themselves

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I don't think he said they were Vermin, but lets not play with specific word definitions, deer can, most certainly, and commonly are, a Pest. They also have seasons for the sport (whatever that is :hmm:) shooter!


The vast majority I shoot are for reasons of "Pest Control"! actually, they are ALL for Pest Control these days, just now and again a decent head turns up! :yes::yes:





No but damage was mentioned by the OP. I have never shot a deer for its head period personally, though have left them alone for it :good: i cannot say i shot all the others as pests many were harvesting the surplus and managing for the health of the heard or to prevent spead into less appropriate areas and yes the sport of hunting - not killing hunting :good: . Pest, damage and yes vermin are over used words in regards to deer i have seen too many shot under the guise of pests by the F.C when the real reason was carcass money and job justification. One particular location they only entered F.C land on driven pheasant shoot days and the rangers were always there waiting to prevent damage to thier trees if they waited till evening they would all be back anyway and Fallow outside of the rut and new plantings just dont damage mature sruce trees



Just for 100% clarification, I don't shoot for heads, I shoot for Pest Control, it just so happens that now and again a decent head turns up in the Pest Control operation, like this one,


his son is still on the estate and has a better head! :yes::good:

Edited by Dekers
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What a load of old tosh, only joking Ackley and Happy Newyear. Ackleys right, its one of those funny old rules that Firearms make up.Its not a legal requirement but they can legally insist on it. I have battled this arguement with a few on here,Dekers will be on this in a minute along with Kent. Gloucestershire told me they wouldnt let me have deer until I did the DSC1, I brought this up with BASC and they didnt want to get involved.Anyhow that was a bit back now,regardless of law it does help when gaining permissions, landowners like to see bits of paper these days. Forestry commission ground around our way is out of bounds unless you have DSC2.


They have reduced the requirement to DSC1 now, certainly in Scotland..

Edited by Vipa
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