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Beretta question


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Would a 2003 682 Gold E have a proper oiled stock or one with some sort of laquer? Is there a non damaging way of telling what finish has be applied any gun?

run a sharp knife from the action to the butt,taking off a layer down to the wood,if it's waxy then prob not a varnish,fill in scratch with black hammerite,then sell gun to me for a tenna.

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when I bought my 686e it was very light in colour just like bare wood that had been fine sanded, in fact thats what it was, no treatment had been applied,,, after weeks of applying oil finish a few years ago, it now looks fantastic, have had lots of people ask what did I pay to have a relativly inexpensive gun with top grade wood.

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The reason I ask is I was given a spare forend with mine. It had been re varnished and looked awful. Looks great now after attacking it with nitromors and wire wool then several coats of oil. The wood on the gun looks oiled in places but varnished (shiney)in others so it prob needs redoing.

BUT! It's a big step to do the same to my only stock. I need to have the stock altered so I think I'll ask him next week.

Cheers for the replies though

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