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Still missing


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Been out again this morning, sat for 3 hours under a well used flight line, decoys out, sun comes out, but still no pigeons, saw one in my back garden when I got home though ! Spoke to my friendly farmer, he is happy there are no pigeons, but feel a thought for us poor pigeon shooters, this time last year was banging them out of the sky by the dozens. 1000 acres of winter rape and no pigeons on one acre

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I know how you feel, nothing really in our area too.


We've been out three times this week and only shot 2 pigeons and a few crows.


We set up under the flight lines but hardly anything.


I spoke to a farmer i know and he reckons its the weather, he said when and if it snows then things will get better.


Ive also seen that if it doesnt, later on in April then shooting will be good.



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Been out today, not one single pigeon knocking about :angry:


Plenty of crows and the odd rabbit about. Snow is set for the north around two to three weeks by all accounts, so things might change.


Berry's and such like are still knocking about up here.....going crow shooting in the morning I cant fail at that :blush:

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Been out again this morning, sat for 3 hours under a well used flight line, decoys out, sun comes out, but still no pigeons, saw one in my back garden when I got home though ! Spoke to my friendly farmer, he is happy there are no pigeons, but feel a thought for us poor pigeon shooters, this time last year was banging them out of the sky by the dozens. 1000 acres of winter rape and no pigeons on one acre



My thoughts..........they are still on the acorns and beech mast, but this will eventually soon run dry, so I recon we are gonna have late, but very prolific feb/march crop shooting, I think it'll be worth the wait!!


BB. :good:

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My thoughts..........they are still on the acorns and beech mast, but this will eventually soon run dry, so I recon we are gonna have late, but very prolific feb/march crop shooting, I think it'll be worth the wait!!


BB. :good:

I like bothbarrels attitude, his glass is half full, not half empty. Hope he is right, but to be fair we are finding a few around here on the rape. (See sporting pics)

Edited by Actionpigeons
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My thoughts..........they are still on the acorns and beech mast, but this will eventually soon run dry, so I recon we are gonna have late, but very prolific feb/march crop shooting, I think it'll be worth the wait!!


BB. :good:

Have not really seen them under the trees, hope you are right tho, just not seeing them period, flying, sitting, feeding or, patience is required and look forward to a bumper feb/march

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We have hundreds if not thousands of them up our way, two stubble fields (one beans and one wheat) are blue with pigeons. We had a bang at some of them coming in to roost at the end of our shoot today, not a big bag but the strong wind made the shooting interesting to say the least, great fun though. :good:

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