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Walked up day


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These lads (from off this forum, but can't remmber their usernames) came for a walked up day that my dad and me run. This was the last shoot of the season. A good day was had by all




Half way





At the end of the day after the duck flight.







Edited by lee-kinsman
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32 duck 18 pheasants 9 hares and 4 snipe if I remember right Lee and John are to good lads that no there stuff and have excellent shooting land


A day to remember - well done - however I think I have got to an age when I am slightly saddened when brother hare is shot - they are beautiful creatures and are really suffering due to modern agricultural practice -that I know, as a farmer myself, is inevitable. Personally, I just love to see them and will not shoot them now but if you have a load where you are I know just what devastation they can do to trees and crops.


Here in Ireland, they are referred to as "the souls of the departed" and that hits home as one gets ever closer to meeting one's maker.


Having said all that, what a great final day - well done

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A day to remember - well done - however I think I have got to an age when I am slightly saddened when brother hare is shot - they are beautiful creatures and are really suffering due to modern agricultural practice -that I know, as a farmer myself, is inevitable. Personally, I just love to see them and will not shoot them now but if you have a load where you are I know just what devastation they can do to trees and crops.


Here in Ireland, they are referred to as "the souls of the departed" and that hits home as one gets ever closer to meeting one's maker.


Having said all that, what a great final day - well done


I appreciate your sentiment. Hares are lovely to see. We have plenty on our land, the hares that were shot were shot in the morning, we could have had alot more. They don't get hammered, we are really conscientious about our Keep and the game and duck count is the way it is because all our game is loved and taken care of.





P.S. Thanks Dan for the post.

Edited by lee-kinsman
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