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Scotland to go it alone ?


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I see we're still getting all this negative **** ! It's making me think maybe I'll be better off sticking with what we have,I don't want to loose my freebies ,you know, all the thing you english give us,free prescriptions,free busses,shorter waiting lists,free education the list is endless.By the way could you hurry up the money for our new bridge over the Forth :lol: :lol: :lol:

Edited by officerdibble777
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I see we're still getting all this negative **** ! It's making me think maybe I'll be better off sticking with what we have,I don't want to loose my freebies ,you know, all the thing you english give us,free prescriptions,free busses,shorter waiting lists,free education the list is endless.By the way could you hurry up the money for our new bridge over the Forth :lol: :lol: :lol:

Apart from that... What have the English ever given us? :lol:



Oh, they're probably still paying for our ridiculously over-budget parliament building and tram "project".

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Did anyone notice the level of infrastructure investment in Scotland over the last labour term. Since a Scot was in charge, its quite easy to see most of the rest of Britain have concerns over the 'special status' of Scotland. I agree with the view that all parts of the Union should vote on any withdrawls. It is not for nothing and largely playing to the gallery that AS tries to bait the 'auld enemy'. Time for Scotland to 'come of age' methinks, without destroying the family which has nurtured it for many a long year.

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I see we're still getting all this negative **** ! It's making me think maybe I'll be better off sticking with what we have,I don't want to loose my freebies ,you know, all the thing you english give us,free prescriptions,free busses,shorter waiting lists,free education the list is endless.By the way could you hurry up the money for our new bridge over the Forth :lol: :lol: :lol:


Any negativity, on my part at least, is directed squarely at Mr Salmond, not Scotland as a whole or indeed at the 'independance' question. Salmond is a devious and devisive politician who stokes sectarianism and crude nationalism to pursue a private obsession. He is a cunning politician but he is not a wise one. He doesn't seem to understand the first principles of economics and he appears utterly deluded about the political reality in Europe.

By invoking the myth of English oppression he is leading an already suggestible nation on that account up the garden path. He is the personification of the stereotypical sulky Scot who spends his life unproductively nursing a grievence and blaming the neighbours for the ills in his own house.

As an Englishman, the greatest attraction of dissolution is that without Scottish votes England will never suffer a socialist government again. Scotland will be mired in it in perpetuity. I would never wish that on them.

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