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1st time out with Pulsar N550


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Went out tonight on the prowl for bunnies on my permission, with my N550 mounted on top of my CZ .22 varmint. The scope was zero'd last night indoors at my local club (25m only).

I could see eye shine from the built in IR at 90 paces. MMmmm no wonder I missed. I severely underestimated the range on that one. After an hour and a half of wandering around in the big fields and 3 misses later, and feeling just a little cheated by the scope, I went into the rear paddocks. 5 minutes of waiting, and I had my 1st kill of the evening. a 35 pace (~30m)head shot that made rather a mess.

After scaring everything off withing 200m due to the noise I was making collecting the kill, I left that field alone and wandered through the stable barn. Turning on tne scope and IR I scanned a hedgerow 35m away - eyeshine. One shot and one bunny back flip later, another kill. 10 minutes I spent looking for that rabbit. I found it after 10 mins. other side of the hedge. I found 2 'lost' tennis balls the land owner had lost though.


A cuppa and chat with the land owner later, I came out of his kitchen into the dark and waited for the eyes to used to the dark again. Turned on the scope and IR, and scanned his garden. Eyeshine and 2 lovely bunnies sitting there watching me. One decided to fall over after being hit with the Eley 40gr hollowpoint, and the other scarpered in an act of self preservation.


That concluded my 1st evening out with my new set-up. It was a shock to learn about the Pulsar's capabilities and as it turned out, better with cloud cover. All in all, I'm chuffed. Pictures of the kills will be posted later today after I've had a kip.

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Get a decent laser on it and you will be amazed at the difference in what you see and how far you will see,I can't get on with digital,it gives me a "blind" eye for a few minutes after looking through it.


It is worth marking out some distance sticks in the day,and then looking at them through your nv at night,as the depth perception can be hard to judge,and it will give you a good mental image of what the distance is.


Well done :good:

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Just to ask what laser ? and what sort of price ?




After using a scope mounted lamp with IR filter, I have just purchased an N1000 laser illuminator (£120) I am amazed at the range this little device creates, and will certainly be put to good use with my Cobra Merlin /.243 set up.


Steve is spot on, i have the same laser but with the adjustable power switch,n1000ap,so you can have a minimum amount of laser for those close bunnies or go full,and flood the area,tends to get bunnies spooked close in.

Price £120-£145.but it is a must if you have decent nv(apart from those rich people who can afford gen3,(yes i am extremely jealous every time i look through my mates :yes: )

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