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A Doe from the weekend

Davy Holt

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I had been trying to top up the venison supply for a couple of weeks now but despite seeing Roe every time I was out, but no matter what I did I couldn't get a shot at any of the Does I seen. As per sod's law the only deer that presented shots were the out of season bucks which were left alone :good:


So the plan at the weekend was to spend a fair bit of time stalking and finally get my doe, when I arrived at the ground I drove about checking the usual haunts to see if any does were about. Things didnt look to promising with nothing to be seeing the usual areas, so plan B came in to play.

This was get out on the ground and take my time to hoof it over the full permission checking every bit of it in my deer quest. I checked the wind direction and decided to park up at the start of the track so I could work the ground from down wind of any potential targets, however I changed the plan and decided for some unknown reason to drive the full length of the track to have a look at the fields down that end. Just as I was getting near the end of the lane I spotted 4 roe at the edge of the wood less than 20 yards from the track :(


I had no option but to drive by them and to my surprise they didn't bother with me, so as soon as I was out of their sight I parked up grabbed the triple and started to work back toward them. I called it wrong and when I got to my position all I could see was the rump of one walking off to the right.. so a quick move of position was called for. The new position put them 40 yards smack bang infront of me and as positioned myself for a shot the Buck spooked and they all went off in different directions, one of them went back through the wood and out onto the track. Unfortunately from my position I couldn't get a clear shot at her due to some branches between us, she then decided to cross the fence into the next field and casually trotted away from me then for some strange reason she stopped and turned her head back to look presenting a perfect neck shot. A solid thud from the 50 grain bullet seen her drop on the spot without even a single kick.... result :)



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Thanks for the comments :good:


eccles... seeing the pictures is great but I feel it's only part of the story hence the reason I try to do a bit of a write up to go with them.


Mark ta mate :good: .. I took yds's advice for this one though I should have taken the picture when she was still on the hill rather than down in the yard lol

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