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not another incident from up north!!!


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as a northern SGC holder the main problem i see with the northern area and i am sure this the case else where in the country is that the firearms licensing dept's of the country seem to be one of the first things to be cut when a chief contable is looking to save money! in lancashire there are 12 in the unit 6 on the road and 6 in the office and they are under a heavy work load all the time surely if the goverment want the firearms licensing laws being enforced correctly and hope fully avoiding incidents like mr Bird and the **** in the north east and now this moron in cumbria mothing off to gain publicity would not slip through the already strict licensing system our laws are more than capable but they need more people to enforce them :yes:

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why is it always folk from the north who give shooting a bad name!! maybe he isnt giving us a bad name but it still makes it harder and harder for new shooters to get into the sport as its just going to get harder to get a licence! :angry:




OK back down to earth ( I was made redundant yesterday)


It's not always northern folk that do this and I find the post in very bad taste for recently grieving northern communities. To divide our partisipants by area or county is completely none productive and can pnly damage it Our sport should be relatively difficult to get into to safeguard it for the future. The less aholes that have a gun the better in my book. Shame its not the same for computer owners.


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OK back down to earth ( I was made redundant yesterday)


It's not always northern folk that do this and I find the post in very bad taste for recently grieving northern communities. To divide our partisipants by area or county is completely none productive and can pnly damage it Our sport should be relatively difficult to get into to safeguard it for the future. The less aholes that have a gun the better in my book. Shame its not the same for computer owners.



in my eyes your a southern boy! as im above you on the map! :yes: i just find over the last 2 year its been people not far away from me (im in durham) that have been makeing the headlines for the wrong reasons while being part of our sport or owning guns!! :good:

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