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Does anone use NV just for spotting ?

Salop Matt

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Yep, works a treat. BUT. It depends on what you're shooting. As said, for rabbit it's not too clever although I do use one (as I have it anyway), to save waving the rifle about before shooting with the NV sight. However, for fox, it's a different story. Spot it, wait until it's got to where you want it without waving the rifle or another lamp about and scaring it into the next county, then shoot it, with your lamp on for just a few seconds.


Yep, much cheaper, there'll be a few older but good monoculars kicking about for a few quid (relative). Please note though, you've not mentioned ranges or species.


On the other hand, you could get a N550 plus coupler and do 'em both unless you've already put the fox into the next county!

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