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Shooting Times


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Am I just being cynical, or is it a bit like 'Viz' magazine.


I don't normally take the ST, but grabbing one to read in the bath and saw a question...paraphrased of course


My wife fell over shooting and broke her wrist, got scanned and told she has osteoporosis, what exactly is this?


Now I imagine, after seeing several doctors, they would both been very well informed what the condition is...from the triage nurse...the A and E doctor...to the radiographer...the radiologist which surveyed the image....the ultrasonagrapher....the treatment doctors....and follow on care from your GP, occupational health nurses....physiotherapists etc etc


Why on earth would you write into a magazine, in the hope you'd get an answer, to ask this question?


Next thing will be...


My child is choking on an ice cube....should I pour boiling water down his/her throat (sent by e-mail)

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Unfortunately Shooting Times closed down a few weeks ago as a mark of respect for John Humphreys.

Alistair Balmain the Editor called a rapidly convened meeting and it was found that due to staff cuts and budget cutbacks, they had no one else left who could write interesting articles.

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Bleeh's predictions.


Shooting times stops printing.


24 page thread on this subject, 90% say it'll be missed.


12 years later.


Shoot time starts printing again


The younger generation of pigeon watch members start a 45 page thread celebrating this matter, older generation of PW members don't contribute due to death by diabetes.

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Back in the 1960s and 70 I never missed a copy of the ST , but over the last 25 years the quality of articles with a few exceptions has gone rapidly down hill. Today it seems geared to newcommers and I expect to see an article on how to load shells into your gun ( the plastic bit first ). They seem to have forgoten to cater for the experianced shooter. I used to love the shooting yarns it was full in the old days which alas are quite rare these days.


Today I only get selected copies and did get the pigeon special last week , but apart from the pigeon watch article there was little of real interest.

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i know what you mean i to got the pigeon special last week , to see the pigeon watch article and to read what richard gray had to say he knows his stuff i had the pleasure to have a days shooting with him a few years back. but i only get it now and then :hmm: the mag that is :lol:

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