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It must be a northern thing acid house this humour thing going on, seems like smig got the wrong end of the stick and now he's embarrassed about it so trying to cover his tracks with more attacks. Smig crack open a bottle or go and have a play with yourself an see if that helps with your anger issues.


And as for being a newbie, I am, and proud to be one because everyone in shooting has to be one when they start. I just hope I don't turn into a grumpy old hack like you, who thinks they know it all. And I will stick to clays as I really enjoy my sport,but hopefully I will have my own permission soon so it will allow me to miss even more shots. I've only been out once in the field but really liked It. Hopefully with your permission I will get to be out more often. Here's to hoping you allow it for me :lol: :lol:


Just because you got the wrong end of the stick that makes me the idiot, haha Nice try


ATB 425

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It must be a northern thing acid house this humour thing going on, seems like smig got the wrong end of the stick and now he's embarrassed about it so trying to cover his tracks with more attacks. Smig crack open a bottle or go and have a play with yourself an see if that helps with your anger issues.


And as for being a newbie, I am, and proud to be one because everyone in shooting has to be one when they start. I just hope I don't turn into a grumpy old hack like you, who thinks they know it all. And I will stick to clays as I really enjoy my sport,but hopefully I will have my own permission soon so it will allow me to miss even more shots. I've only been out once in the field but really liked It. Hopefully with your permission I will get to be out more often. Here's to hoping you allow it for me :lol: :lol:


Just because you got the wrong end of the stick that makes me the idiot, haha Nice try


ATB 425


Who started with the attacks newb.??..i dont recall that i started it,so why should i be embarrassed...why dont you read back B425 and you'll find it was YOU that threw the 1st insult. :yes: :yes: ???....And who's angry about it,not me.its not me thats made an idiot of myself and now trying to be funny. :lol: :lol: .Its clearly obvious to any one with half a brain who made the mistake here and trying to 'cover there tracks..'..AND...I am northern..i just managed to get out and live in a nice part of the country...you pair really are priceless... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Edited by smig4373
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you will soon lose this land,if not your s/g the way your going on?


Good to see others have seen through this rubbish Ellie


If only people like this would lose there sgc..They give shooters a bad name..'even' if he was joking,which no-one believes he was...Oh except his mate B425...

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