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Three students decide to rent a house together


the house is unfurnished, so getting their priorities in order they decide first to purchase a television


so off the go to the second hand TV shop, upon where they find a 24 inch colour one for £30


great they said £10 each and it's ours, so they pay their money and take the telly


a couple of minutes later the shop owner realises that he had overcharged them


as that particular model was on special offer and was only £25


so he gives the errand boy £5 and tells him to catch the students and re-imburse them


the lad gets 100 yards down the road and thinks to himself


i can make out of this, and pockets £2 of the money, then catches the students and gives them back the other £3






so here are the facts


each student parted with £10 equalling £30 (agreed :good: )


each student received £1 back, they now have spent £9 each, (agreed :lol: )









so they have now spent £27 (agreed :lol: )


the lad from the shop has £2 in his pocket (agreed :lol: )


this now equals £29 (agreed :lol: )








so where is the other £1?








answers on a postcard please

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Yes - you are doing the maths wrong


There is no other £1


You are adding the lads £2 to the students total outlay of £27 to get your £29, when in fact you should be subtracting it, to give the amount the shop guy wanted £25



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The summation is wrong,the students have paid £30 but the errand boy has a£5 for them so they have in fact paid £25 or £8.3333333333 (recurring) each,not £8 each as supposed.

Scumbag errand boy then gives them £1 each = £9.3333333333 (recurring) each and pockets £2.


£9.333333333® x3=£28+£2=£30.............basic m8 :blush:

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