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Crow hypa flap decoy

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as ive stated in previous posts im trying to save money so trying to make my own decoys and such cause im not shooting for the next few weeks so ive decide to make some for the next outing... i have found some nice and thin plastic/papper stuff on site which i thought if i cut out the wing shape spray them black attach to a shell crow decoy they would look awesome just wondering if anyone else has tried such things? i would make pigeon ones just cant afford white and grey paint ahaa any tips would be great thanks



all the best... jorge :good:<_<

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yes done simelar things. People will gfawww at home made stuff but years ago, everything was carved out of wood and homemade soo..

Anyway, im about to re make some prototype crow decoys that worked well for me, and by worked well i mean they brought in crows that cawed and stayed over the decoys coming in low at times for a few minutes.

i made one wings out decoy, and normal ones, as they was prototypes they were all made from cardboard, but i suppose you could make the form out of mesh and papiermashe or that stuff on house for sale signs..

normal decoys -

copy and paste this image into paint. http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?q=crow+silhouette&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&biw=1366&bih=632&tbm=isch&tbnid=seQ-ex_k8z1iRM:&imgrefurl=http://www.birdclipart.com/bird_clipart_images/crow_silhouette_0515-0909-1716-2917.html&docid=_w76WfWkoqtTWM&imgurl=http://www.birdclipart.com/bird_clipart_images/crow_silhouette_0515-0909-1716-2917_SMU.jpg&w=300&h=203&ei=NjhrT5HdGMql0QXU76nOBg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=257&vpy=152&dur=1848&hovh=162&hovw=240&tx=143&ty=74&sig=113084454227868265563&page=1&tbnh=111&tbnw=164&start=0&ndsp=23&ved=1t:429,r:16,s:0

on print/pgae set up make the image fit to 1x1 piece of A4 and print out.

prit stick this quickly down on to your corrigated plastic sign post stuff, and then draw round the crow around an inch out from the outline, leaving you with a crowish sized crow shaped outline. Cut this out.

Next you have to be a bit artistic and imagine the silouet of a crow from above, and try and match the length and keep it in proportion to the other side on silouet, now cut this out.

Now with your side on silouet cut out, and your birds eye view silouet cut out you need to splice them both together so they have a cross sectional profile of"+"

to do this cut from the beek of the side on silouet to the middle of the body, staying about an inch from the top of the crows back all the way down, now cut the birds eye view silouet from the tail to the center of the body and splice the two together.

use duct tape or other strong tape to tape ths shapes into the right possition, now to make them black, just strech black socks over the decoys, any "baggy bits" can be neatened up by stapeling the sock down.

For the wings out version, simply do all of the above but cut out some wings and staple them on ( paint them black )


Sounds like allot of effort but i just started playing around with it and its not so bad, you can make two or three in under half an hour.


I set mine out, one on the water trough, one nearby on the hedge and two "pecking" at the rabbit i had layed out.

i had two or three groups come over and come in, of around 3-4 crows at a time, although i am near a crows flightline there anyway, but it helps to bring them in lower at least. Ill also find and link the wings out pigeon i have made but not yet tested. I hope at least some of that makes sence, i find it very easy to visualise things, but im not very good at explaining!



hope this helps somewhat.....

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