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RFD to RFD sales


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I'm sure somebody will be able to enlighten me on this subject.

I just spoke to someone about a gun, and they were of the opinion that ,if he takes it a dealer to send it to me, then the rfd takes his £25 fee plus the postage fee of about £25, and then it gets posted to the rfd of my choice.

Is this correct ?


Then what happens at my end ?


I just thought it was about £25, all in. But I've no experience with this type of deal, so really I don't know.


I did try a search on this subject but failed miserably.

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I'm sure somebody will be able to enlighten me on this subject.

I just spoke to someone about a gun, and they were of the opinion that ,if he takes it a dealer to send it to me, then the rfd takes his £25 fee plus the postage fee of about £25, and then it gets posted to the rfd of my choice.

Is this correct ?


Then what happens at my end ?


I just thought it was about £25, all in. But I've no experience with this type of deal, so really I don't know.


I did try a search on this subject but failed miserably.


The RFD can charge what he likes or not charge at all - although it's unlikely he will do it for free. Similarly, the parties to the deal can decide who pays the RFD in what proportions. Those figures sound about the going rate to me.



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So, if my rfd wants £25, then it'll cost £75 in total.

Surely that can't be right is it ?


Sounds about right; £25 for the first RFD to do the paperwork; £25 postage (might be a bit less depending on what it is); and £25 for the RFD who it's going to to do his paperwork on it.


As I say, an RFD can charge what he likes and there is no requirement that they must do the work for you are any price. If you're a good customer then he might do it cheap or free.



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Normally, it's around £25 which should include the postage (around £10-12)

Your RFD will normally charge £25 as well, so you should not be paying more than £50 total. Although, as mentioned, RFD's can charge what they like. For example, my RFD friend, does not charge me to receive firearms, but I always pay him something anyway.



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Just asked local rfd for price he said £25 fee plus carriage of £15

Dare I ask who you asked?, I used Dave at Bow Tec in Birtley to get my 9mm shipped up here and he charged £15 to receive it and transfer onto my FAC. Got it from Roger Bill Shooting Supllies in Bromsgrove, £16 for next day delivery and no RFD fees.

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