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Has anyone had any experience of demorex mites? I might have spelt that wrong,ive got an old lurcher bitch with them was using a shampoo that apparently vets cant prescribe now,so they jabbed her with ivomec ,and ive got to give her it orally for a month,just wondered what its success rate was?By the way she has absolutely no collie blood in her.

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The mite is called Demodex!


The illusive shampoo is Aludex and it is back on the market now. We received a bottle from our wholesaler last week. There are two licensed spot on products (Advocate and ProMeris Duo).


Ivermectin was used in the good old days and seemed to work well. Many cases come back - demodex is probably a sign of another problem causing the immune system to be suppressed (low thyroid, Cushings disease a couple of common examples. It's rare that a dog gets demodicosis without an underlying immunosuppressive cause.


Good luck!

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Thanks Apache,i knew id got the name wrong,and yes she does have a thyroid problem and is on soloxine.Do you think the shampoo options are a better way to go,and can you use both the ivomec and shampoo?Didnt really like the aludex horrible stuff but i suppose thats what the mites think aswell!

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hi my puppy lab had demodex mite and the advocate spot on was rubbish taking forever. we used the aludex baths once a week and it cleared up in no time, she now has a lovely coat and is 2yrs old.

it may be different with an older dog with a thyroid problem but i think get the initial problem solved quickly, then maybe use a spot on treatment monthly once the number of mites is at a controllable quantity.


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Thanks al4x,arwen i've heard similar from my vet she didn't rate advocate saying a few of their products dont come up to scratch.I admit this mite sounds a hard ****** to beat, especially when the bitch has other underlying problems.I will stick with the ivomectin,it always worked on terriers and lurchers that had met a mangey fox.

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