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Ferreting today !

old rooster

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Had to take the ferrets out to clear a grave yard today at the request of a guy I've just picked up a lot of rabbiting from. Wouldn't usually ferret this time of year but careful observation showed mostly nice 3/4 grown bunnies in residence in one large burrow. Had just the 2 rabbits but no lay ups so quite interesting. Found where most are coming from, they've dug under the rabbit fence around the perimiter behind some dense brambles and Hawthorn bushes. That lot will need cutting out well if we're to get rid of the rabbits properly !.


Went on to another patch of ground nearby and shot a few more with the Daystate. Enjoyable few hours out and about and now the sun has come out so I can take "er indoors" out for a spin on the Dook this evening.

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old rooster, I looked at the title of the thread, looked at the calender and shuddered.


It brought back bad memories of a mid July day, when I was a young lad and accepted the lure of money against my better judgement, to clear a warren in a hedge at the bottom of an old lady's garden.


I set the first net at 8.30am and finished digging out the whole warren at about 8.30 pm.


Nothing hit the nets and I cultivated an area 50 yards long by 3ft wide.


Never ever again. :unsure:

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old rooster, I looked at the title of the thread, looked at the calender and shuddered.


It brought back bad memories of a mid July day, when I was a young lad and accepted the lure of money against my better judgement, to clear a warren in a hedge at the bottom of an old lady's garden.


I set the first net at 8.30am and finished digging out the whole warren at about 8.30 pm.


Nothing hit then nets and I cultivated an area 50 yards long by 3ft wide.


Never ever again. :yes:



Guess you've just got to know what you're doing :sly:;):good:


Not something I'd normally do but there was no sign of adults or any nesting activity. I'm pretty sure they mostly play in this bury (no pun intended) so I felt fairly confident that it wouldn't be a problem.


"I cultivated an area 50 yards long by 3ft wide" that's some bean trench you dug but a bit late to be planting them in July :unsure:

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"Guess you've just got to know what you're doing "


Fortunately, I've learnt a bit since I was 10 years old, but back then the lure of one shilling was too much for me to resist.

I did think afterwards, that she might just have wanted that piece of ground dug over.:unsure:

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