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first buck of 2012


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out of bed and on the ground for 5 30 am it was a frosty morning on Friday and the grass was crunchy under foot. i spotted 3 does and 2 bucks at the far end of the field and stalked them down the dyke using the banks for cover. 20 mins later i pop up at the end of the field facing the 5 deer, i fail to notice the two that have started feeding behind me and they let out a bark. i hug the icy floor trying to keep a low profile. after what felt like hours i raised my head. the deer some 200 meters away. grazing happily now. 2 bucks i pick the older animal out first hoping the younger one hesitates before running and send the 80gr berger on its way. thump, the reaction of the animal suggests the shots struck high (actual range 170meters) it starts running and falls over its self in heap some 15 meters from the shot. a quick glance and the other buck has stopped but its a shot that im not happy to take. i retrieve the buck, and drag it the half mile back to the car. il gut it in the garage.




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