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Lamp shy golf course

deadeye ive

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Well chaps


Several months have passed since I've shot on this ground ........worked 12-10 shift got home ,got me gear ready met up with dougy and was out on the course around 11.........Now i was expecting a good night especially as it was my first outing with the HMR under lamp conditions :lol: ........Talk about everything bolting ........In fact we hardley saw anything to bolt !............Then all of a sudden at 2.30 am I'm the focal point of someones lightforce so i return the gesture to see he is out working terriers after rabbits :) ........................ GO AWAY was What I wanted to say but I love my sport to much to allow myself to get into a situation that could escalate out of control ........You see this is not the first time I've been lamped and it's starting to get to regular for my liking especially as I have the hmr whereas it was the FAC air rifle before .


Problem is a public right of way travels right through the middle and when spooked they convieniently make their way towards it ...........Sometimes the long dog brigade they don't even bother .......wait for me to move on and then carry on :no:


There could come a time when one of these types could be lying low in the bushes and cop the remnants of a HMR slug ,,,,,crawl to the footpath and hey presto ........bye bye rifles :lol: ...........Greenkeeper knows all about it but is frightened of having the greens dug up as revenge for acting against this .


In nearly 4 hrs of lamping i managed to shoot 3 ........The feedback I get from the golfers is that there are loads about


Just having a moan ...nothing more as experience tells me to change to early morning ........



Edited to a more moderate gestre .........Use your imagination fella's

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Ive, as you have said, a dawn outing wont go a miss. :lol: Try a sunday morning, when most poachers have a hangover. :lol:

Get their before light and into position. You will be amazed at what you will see. :no:


You probably know all this anyway. :)



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Try putting up "No entry shooting" signs alongside the footpath? I have some templates and will see if I can find a link I think it was a DEFRA/BASC thing,if not I have them saved for anyone that wants them :lol:


EDIT**It`s SNH try Page 22 onwards http://www.snh.org.uk/pdfs/publications/he...ement/signs.pdf

Thanks henry :lol:


Only one problem ............The amount of ground I'd have to cover ............It'd surprise me if they stayed there if they were left out and entry to this course can be achieved practically anywhere .........I feel they would be ignored anyway as it's all part of the thrill to them :)


Had this permission for nearly 9 years now and this has only become a problem in the last couple ........I wander why :no:


Yes Frank ............It's the best time of the day ,more so for watching than shooting


Thanks for the tip Alex but I'm afraid it does'nt float my boat ..Also the warrens are elsewhere on land where I have no access and the attraction is the short grass as you probably know

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Try putting up "No entry shooting" signs alongside the footpath? I have some templates and will see if I can find a link I think it was a DEFRA/BASC thing,if not I have them saved for anyone that wants them :no:


EDIT**It`s SNH try Page 22 onwards http://www.snh.org.uk/pdfs/publications/he...ement/signs.pdf



WOW Henry 32 pages on how a sign should look, erected, coloured lettering, back grounds etc. Looks like a jobsworth :):lol::lol:



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