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recoil reducing system


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This is going to be a long one....


I shoot with a winchester select sporting. 28 inch.


I shot a miroke now I think it was 3800 or some thing like that the one before the mk38 I think.



Now it had one of then hydraulic recoil reduction system fitted.


Now this has got me thinking. Me in my miss rely liked the miroke.


When holding both guns they felt the same weight but when mounted the miroke felt a lot more lighter.


Now is this the gun or is it because of the recoil system fitted?


Looking on the websites I.e gra recoil system they say they weigh 2 pounds. Now I would have thought you would have to cut the stock back to fit it? Now the amount you have to cut of will that weigh more or less than two pounds?


Now is this a weight problem or a balance problem? Just both guns seamed to weigh the same till mounted which makes me think its a balance thing that made the miroke feel better.


So will fitting one of these recoil reducing system make my winchester feel better or is it a new gun time LOL


And the know recoil feeling was nice as a bonus.


Wish I spent more time looking at the two guns but didn't realy think about it till hot home and speaking with my miss about it


What are your thoughts on this? Have any of you got these systems fitted and how did your gun feel bedfore and after?


Big thanks

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I used an old boys lanber sporter deluxe and then straight after with his sons lanber (both bought the same day) with one of them fitted and it was a pleasure to shoot with, felt very much like shooting a semi,then trying to one without it seemed to recoil alot more, the weight didn't feel much different between the two from what I can remember!!there is always an excuse for a new gun :lol:

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I bought a Browning XT with a Gracoil already fitted. The balance of the gun felt awful and the recoil was worse. It didn't absorb recoil, but merely made the gun bounce. You are stuck with the device as about 1 1/2 inches has been lopped off your stock. I fixed the device so that it did not move at all, but the gun did not handle well - got rid.


My youngest is a big lad, but broke his shoulder - very badly - at motocross and the gun recoiled on the spot when a plate had been screwed in to his shoulder. He has a gel pad in his skeet vest and this works fine.

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They will make the gun a bit back heavy. The best one to get is an Isis from Dave Izzard, lightweight and works better than the danuser/gracoil: much softer and works with all gun mounts.

I don't know if 2lb is right; seems a lot. The danuser I had a while back was about 8oz I think. Put that on the back of a gun and it will handle a lot faster and feel lighter due to balance. Neither of those things are desirable if shooting clays.

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Thanks will have to get out there again and see again.


My gun new so had less than a 1000 cartridges so still tight but this maroke was a old well used gun so you just touch the barrel release leaver it just droped open everx thing felt right about it.


Think my gun offer a bit more breaking in

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No in the middle of the field so not possible. Wish I had.....


But going to see what my other mate has he shoots a miroke I am going to ask what model he has

i shoot a miroku 7000 whith the hydrolic damper on the stock and love it. i started with a lanber sporting delux witch i loved but as soon as i picked the miroku up in the gun shop just felt so rite for me and had to have it. if i was to pick one fault with them is that if you were any baggy tops you tend to catch the recoil pad when mounting so i make sure always to use my vest and a snug fitting top

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No in the middle of the field so not possible. Wish I had.....


But going to see what my other mate has he shoots a miroke I am going to ask what model he has

i shoot a miroku 7000 whith the hydrolic damper on the stock and love it. i started with a lanber sporting delux witch i loved but as soon as i picked the miroku up in the gun shop just felt so rite for me and had to have it. if i was to pick one fault with them is that if you were any baggy tops you tend to catch the recoil pad when mounting so i make sure always to use my vest and a snug fitting top

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It's not just the weight, it is the balance of the gun as well. I picked up a Beretta 686 which was nice, then picked up a 682 and, although around about the same weight, the balance was utterly different. I do not think you can compare the two guns to be honest.

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