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good day at last


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finally we have had a nice day with some sun and a bit of warmth, this last while the weather has been horrible. went for a walk with the rifle and the hound, got 5 rabbits and found another 2 greylags nests and a curlews nest. had a nice walk along the cliffs before heading home for a quick cuppa. i then met up with 2 friends and headed out to a place overlooking a rabbit shooters dream. with the fine day the place was crawling with rabbits, its a great place to shoot because there is nothing behind it but sea. two of us had 223's and the other boy had a 22-250. we were there for about 2 1/2 hours and got 50-55 rabbits before we called it a day. most of the shots were 100-200 yards there was one rabbit that was sitting out pretty at 398 yards that i got using the range finder and the data from biggameinfo for the load i was using, i was well chuffed. great day all round, heres some photos from today, aister.


curlews nest



1st goose nest



2nd goose nest



a happy hound




great place to shoot, heaving with rabbits


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Beautiful place although I always thought it could do with a few more trees!


Couple of questions Aister, are there any grouse on the islands, and I think nesting greylags are a fairly recent occurence, with numbers of bredding birds rising rapidly in recent year ?? I have seen greylags on the good grass and there seems to be no shortage of nesting grounds for them.

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Beautiful place although I always thought it could do with a few more trees!


Couple of questions Aister, are there any grouse on the islands, and I think nesting greylags are a fairly recent occurence, with numbers of bredding birds rising rapidly in recent year ?? I have seen greylags on the good grass and there seems to be no shortage of nesting grounds for them.


yes there is grouse but there numbers are very up and down from year to year depending on the winters and the weather at nesting time. the greylag numbers really took off when i started shooting with my uncle 15 years ago. it used to be that "a" flock would come to the south end of shetland in october time and everyone with a gun was after the same flock but now there is geese hear all year round throughout shetland.

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Stunning scenery Aister, it certainly puts our slag heaps and disused quarries to shame! Does it not get a tad expensive shooting rabbits with a 223 and a 22-250 though, and are they edible afterwards?



thanks for the compliment, the second last picture with max in it is the piece of cliff i look at a few hundred yards in front of our house. i try not to think about cost when i am shooting :blush:, and a body shot rabbit with a 223 or 22-250 is not really edible, infact the dog wont even pick it up :lol:

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