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sightron or s&b


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Hi all

I know the sightron has had a mention before but there are so many different scopes its nice to have a bit more feedback from those who have tried and tested before i spend my hard earned cash.

At the moment my main shooting is fox control with a 243 with a 8x56 s&b which i have got to say ia a cracking scope for low light and up to around the 200 yd mark.

My shooting buddy Nv Foxer has got 2 rifles one for fox control the other for long range shooting.

Nv Foxer set me a target up at 400yds saying i can hit it, which i did (much to my surprise)

My mate says if i want to go into the longer range stuff i need to go down the higher mag range, he has just brought a sightron and says its a cracking scope and he struggled to tell any difference between the sightron and his zeiss.

I must say i got a buzz from the 400yd shot and my mate says it will also make a difference when sitting out waiting for a fox with the more magnification.

Its alot of money to fork out thats why i'd appreciate any feedback,to help me decide which route to take, also i wouldn't mind popping over to Catton Park but i dont want to feel out of my depth.

Any feedback will be much appreciated many thanks Smokeyoakey

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All i can say Smokey is get yourself and rifle or rifles over to Catton. there is no way in this world of pigs pudin you will be out of your depth. :lol:


THere will be plenty of different stuff there to check.

I dont know anywere else you can shoot for as long as you want as many as you want and as far out to about possibly over 400yds for £20 a day and have a crack with the rest of us commoners.


We are not there to shoot for the Olympics just to have a good weekend doing what we enjoy doing.

Plenty of Food going on the BBQ :good: mostly i would hope shot by the guys going. themselves.


NOT FOX's either

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Many thanks Sx3 claybreaker, Doughy, and Bullet boy for your replies, i really appreciated your comments, unfortunately i am not in the money no problem bracket.

My shooting buddy has just brought a Sightron and says it it is a cracking good scope and not that far off the alot more expensive ones.

Like i said i have got a Schmidt and am well pleased with it, but it is only a 8x56, so not really up to longer range shooting.

We are are definately looking to go to Catton but lookes as if both of us are unable to make the 3 day event which is dissapointing but we hope to go asap.

Many thanks again Smokey

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